Chapter 54

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Arabella's scream ripped Frederick from his sleep.

Hands seized him by the throat, the arms, the head. Men everywhere bearing red crosses. Bront and Gheorge shouted nearby but he was already gone, dragged down the passageways of the dungeon until they neared the light.

And Arabella's screams never ceased. She was cursing them. Fighting them. Threatening them. They were headed to the Great Hall, most likely. And they were headed there together. She would be forced to watch what happened to him next and there would be no way to stop it.

They reached the top step, and a cold swept over them. When it cleared, they were in the center of the Great Hall surrounded by soldiers.

Saebane sat on the throne. Rathmore was there. Rycard. Beatrice. His father-

Frederick grunted as he was forced to his knees by that invisible force. Arabella shoved to her knees with him.

Saebane's eyes glowed. "Do you really have the Chalice?"

Arabella's mouth twisted into a snarl. "Yes, I really have the Chalice."

"Release it to me."

She shook her head. "I told you-I'll never willingly give it to you. Not until you make a vow that Frederick will not be harmed."

"If you want a vow then show me," he said calmly. "Prove to me you have what you say you have."

"So you can force me to hand it over to you the moment I conjure it? Not going to happen."

He snorted, but the blue never left his eyes. "You won't conjure it because you don't have it."

"And you will not goad me into making it appear for any reason-not until you make a vow. A proper sorcerer vow, if you please."

"Then we'll have to resort to the rulers to summon it to see if what you say is true." Saebane loosed his attention upon Frederick. "Where is she?"

The answer ripped itself from Frederick's teeth. "I don't know."

"Where is she?" he asked again, the magic constricting around Frederick like an invisible snake.

"I don't know."

Saebane turned his magic upon Arabella. "Give me the Chalice. It's the last time I'll ask."

She gave a hoarse laugh. "Never."

"Then say goodbye to him because I no longer have any use for either of you.-Lock her up. I'll deal with her later."

Frederick fought to stop them from touching her, but it was no use. He couldn't make his body move.

Arabella was hefted onto her feet, and she thrashed and kicked as they dragged her to the coffin he hadn't noticed yet. His soul tried to crawl out of his body to reach her. To do anything to stop this. But she was stuffed into it, and they slammed the lid shut. All sounds of movement ended, but no one dared to breathe.

Rage blistered through Frederick, riding him like a storm. "What have you done to her?"

"The insides are enforced with mystical mercury," Saebane said. "Once stuck from within, she won't be able to get out. It's what she did to me millenniums ago. She trapped me in a coffin much like this one, letting me waste away. I disintegrated with terrifying slowness for centuries until I finally passed. Thankfully, a king would unearth my coffin years later, returning me to the world to resume my rightful place. And that's what I'll allow her to suffer until she finally dies."

A serene expression descended over Saebane's face, as if he could see it already. "I'll visit her, day after day, feeling the coffin for signs of life, waiting for her to get weaker and weaker with each passing year. Then, when she reaches her weakest, I'll enjoy killing her slowly. Painfully. I'll take my time with it so she can feel it. I'll make sure no one will be able to get her. That's where she fucked up with me. I'll ensure to rip her apart, piece by piece, until no one can ever find the pieces again."

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