Chapter 21

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Arabella's lips were broad and soft against his own, the contrast startling but sensual. They stayed that way for moments, his palms caressing either side of her jaw. He massaged her mouth with his, parting her lips by only the slightest difference. She allowed him in, encouraging him, and he took from her lips slow to start. Her hands encircled his wrists in a tentative grip. Uncertain. Nervous. Urging him gently to take even more, as if she didn't want to scare him away.

He tilted his head against hers and swept his tongue into her mouth. The taste of her caused him to growl, and her tongue timidly caressed his. Shy. Sweet. Somehow both innocent and carnal. He sipped from her and she from him, the next kiss and the next kiss making him melt for her.

Intoxicating vampyre. Even now he could feel her holding back from him as much as he held back from her, the both of them desperately trying to maintain a semblance of control. But it would not be enough, the need to devour her neigh overwhelming.

He goaded her into a step back, then another, until she nearly toppled over her workstation. He tucked his hands under her thighs and lifted her onto the table, quick to rejoin his mouth to hers. They kissed and kissed and kissed, something so soft and lovely spiraling toward something unbearably erotic.

Her knees framed his waist, her arms about his neck. Sweet submission. Such a heady power she handed to him now. A being as awe-inspiring as her was allowing him to lead her.

To dominate.

His cock punched against the triangle between his trousers and hers. And he wanted to curse the bloody thing for spoiling this moment between them but it couldn't be helped. She would surely feel it the closer he pressed his body to hers, discover him hard and wanting, but he was too besotted with her kisses to feel shameful about it. Too mindless to care. Too aware that he was a man and she woman-nearly a real one. But she felt better than he ever imagined. Her breasts pressed up against his chest, his hands smoothing up the sides of her waist ...

Gods, how would he be able to deny himself this? How was he going to be able to take himself away. The answer was that he couldn't. Wouldn't. She would have to be the one to break this thing between them, but she showed no signs of stopping. He would not let her go, and he drove himself between her legs, allowing her to feel how hard he'd become, warning her that he was close to the end of his restraint.

She gasped against his neck, squirming as he rocked between her hips. "Freddie ..."

"I want to fuck you. Badly." He hadn't meant to say that, but it felt incredible to finally admit.

Because you're supposed to want me-even a fraction as much as I want you, she'd once said to him.

She had no idea. No fucking idea how much he wanted her right there and then. He would do anything to possess her.


Her nose skimmed his cheek. "You're sure? Because I'll be honest, Freddie. I can't bring myself to say no to you." She nipped his earlobe, causing him to shiver. "I want to believe you mean yes, but I don't want to do anything until I hear you say it."

He cupped the back of her head, forcing him to look into his eyes as he said, "Yes. I want you, Ara. I want to know what it's like to finally fuck my wife."

She moaned and reached into his pants as if she couldn't help herself. The brush of her knuckles against his pelvis made him groan, and the first stroke of her silken hand against his shaft caused it to jerk. She bit her lip as she viewed his cock for the first time, her expression almost tender. Her fist bobbed up and down his length, making him harden to the point of discomfort.

Prince of Lies [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon