Chapter 52

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Frederick was ready for them when they burst through his bedroom door. He didn't fight, didn't struggle, or speak as soldiers from the Spiderweb dragged him through the halls. They pushed him into the Great Hall, where Saebane and Arabella sat on the thrones.

"Where is she?" Saebane said immediately.

Frederick said nothing, taking a moment to view all the banners, flowers, and candelabras strewn about the place for the royal reception.

The royal reception that would not be happening.

Tessande wanted to make herself known today, it seemed, and she was sprawled on the steps of the throne with a quiet smile on her face. Chaos would erupt soon, and of course, she wouldn't miss it for anything.

Rathmore stood at Saebane's side, his eyes burning as they watched Frederick. Rycard waited with Urnald, and his father was the palest he'd ever been. Two Spiders hovered at his back, ready to step in if Urnald dared to go to his son's defense.

Frederick straightened his golden jacket. "Who are you referring to, Saebane?"

"Don't play coy with me, Frederick," Saebane said. "Where is Princess Eviylene?"

"Why would I know where she is?" Frederick said calmly.

"Because either it has something to do with you"-he nodded at Arabella-"or her. Which is it?"

"Frederick had nothing to do with it, Saebane," Urnald interjected. "He was willing and ready to marry the princess today. We all saw it. You saw it. He courted her for days. They were ready."

"Oh, we all saw it," Saebane agreed. "A most convincing show. Do you mean to tell me that the princess had enough knowledge to somehow escape a castle unfamiliar to her? Because I wouldn't believe it either. She had help. So tell me which one of you helped her."

Arabella gripped the throne. "Of course it wasn't the king. He's been compliant from the start."

Saebane craned his neck to view her. "He was. But you weren't. You just couldn't stand watching him marry someone else, could you?"

She closed her eyes. "Saebane."

"Tell me the truth," Saebane said, his eyes glowing. "Was it you, or was it-"

"Enough!" Frederick shouted, summoning his strength to get through the next part. "It was me. It was only me."

The light from Saebane's eyes vanished. "So the truth comes out."

"I did it," Frederick breathed, his innards trembling with fury. "I got her out of the castle. And she's long gone, prick. You'll never find her."

All sound escaped from the world, replaced by the heaviest of tensions that rested upon everyone gathered there. Saebane said nothing for several moments, watching Frederick and showing nothing. Arabella quivered at his side, her eyes and mouth wide.

Finally, Saebane rose from the throne, and he made his way down the steps, coming for Frederick. "I would say that you've directly acted against my interests for the last time. There's no enchanted vow to protect you now."

Frederick tilted his jaw side to side, squaring up for a fight he knew he would lose. "Seems as though you are right."

Urnald called for Frederick, but he blocked out the sound of his father's voice. Soon an invisible force-Saebane's power-sent him to his knees. He didn't dare look at what had become of his father, choosing to stare directly into the glowing eyes of the monster coming toward him.

"She will have to be pursued immediately," Saebane said. "She must be found, for there is no other heir to the Throne of Adora but you ..." His eyes narrowed. "You aren't integral to my plans like she is. I can take your cousin Bront from the dungeons and put him on the throne. I can make him agree to give me the Chalice-just like her. That means you can be dealt with now."

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