IDFB 8b: Volcanic Vibrations 🌋

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Saw gaped at the unique environment around her, particularly the upside-down trees and the floating mini-sun. How does that even happen? she thought to herself in amazement.

Something brushed against her foot. "Ahh!" Saw leapt back in surprise, causing whatever touched her to leap back as well. She looked down and saw a tiny pebble with legs and a face staring right back at her, just a little smaller than she remembered Firey Jr to be.

"Awww!" she cooed. "Aren't you cute! Is your name Pebble?"

"Nope!" it replied with a high-pitched squeak. "I'm #42!"

"Huh?" But before she could process this, another pebble poked out from behind the trunk of a tree. Then three more appeared from under a larger rock. Soon, several dozen pebbles had gathered around her, emerging from behind trees, blades of grass, or exiting tunnels bored into the sides of the inverted planet that she didn't notice before.

"Who are you?" #42 squeaked.

"Yeah, who? I wanna know!" another spoke.

"Where did you come from?" a third wondered. Several others repeated the questions, bombarding Saw with squeaks and squeals.

"Alright, alright! Calm down!" she finally said. They stopped abruptly. She felt a little nervous. "Uhh, my name is Saw. I came from above ground, on the surface." She pointed upwards. "I fell through that hole there a moment ago."

Excited murmurs swept across the crowd of pebbles. "You're from the surface?" #42 asked.

"Yeah, that's... what I just said."

"Then you must be friends with The Rock?"

More murmurs, this time turning into some sort of chant. "The Rock! The Rock! The Rock!" the pebbles repeated.

"The Rock? You mean Dwayne Johnson?" Then she had a thought. "Oh! You're talking about Rocky, aren't you?"

"The Rock! The Rock! The Rock!" the tiny stones chanted again.

"Yeah, I know him! I'm not really 'friends' with him, though..."

"What is the Rock like?" a random pebble asked.

"Is he brave?" another questioned.

"Is he strong?"

"Is he majestic?"

"Not really..." Saw muttered. "He's kind of... sick."

"Sick? As in, cool and awesome?"

Saw frowned. "No, the other kind."

Suddenly, she felt the sensation of being watched. Not by dozens of little eyes - that felt different - but by a single pair of big eyes.

She turned around and almost yelped again in surprise. The side of the inverted planet that was behind her was barren of trees, but not grass. And it had a face.

Now, being an object with a face herself, that wasn't what surprised her. She had even seen objects without a mouth or without eyes (Donut and Black Hole) - however, it was the sheer size of the face that had startled her. What's more, the eyes actually had whites, and not just a black pupil.

The face frowned. "What? Am I that scary?" it boomed.

"No, sorry." Saw breathed out. "I just wasn't expecting... someone like you."

"Well, I wasn't expecting someone like you to come around here, either, so I guess that makes us even." The face grinned. "Anyway, welcome to me! I'm the inverted planet that you're standing inside right now. You may call me Invy." (A/N: to quote Lightning, "it's pronounced In-vee!") "There used to be more inverted planets like me," Invy continued, "dotted all around the underground of Earth. But alas, I believe myself to be the last one left. At least, the last one with a consciousness."

IDFB: Continued - an IDFB fanfic [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon