Sunshine and Moonlight

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A/N: Hey guys! I know it's been a really long time. But, life has been crazy and I haven't had inspiration in a long time. I also had no motivation to write for months so, I hope you enjoy this. Love you all! MAJOR SOFT AND FLUFFY WARNING

Arisu Aizawa, the daughter of Shoto Aizawa, aka Eraserhead. Her quirks? Rumors and sound manipulation. Her class? 3-A as a member of UA high school. She's quiet, kept to herself, and...well, that's what she was, before she met Mirio Togata. 

If you lookup sunshine in the dictionary, there'd just be a picture of Mirio, or at least there should be. He's sweet, funny, passionate, and radiates positivity. Mirio is brimming with kindness and confidence, as well as energy and smiles. 

After Arisu came to terms with her emotions and put herself out there, she and Mirio started dating. Her entire world was turned upside down by this. Arisu had never once in her life felt more love or confidence. She'd also never had that much human care or affection. 

But, despite that, she still had bad days, like everyone. Arisu was looking over herself in the mirror, dressed in a tank top and underwear. Her hands touched her face, shoulders, sides, and legs. Her mind was spitting out every nasty thing you could think of. Mirio saw her and knew something was wrong. He got up, walked in front of her, and offered a loving smile. 

Arisu looked up at him and attempted a faltering smile. Mirio sat in front of her and spoke in a gentle tone. "You're so perfect, baby." He gently kissed the sides of her hips. "Don't ever be self-conscious about these, your hips...your thighs, they're beautiful..." He looked up at her. "It's not like anyone can crush my head between skinny ones," he chuckled softly and winked. 

"Your body is perfect, your curves, your legs, your arms...even your perfect little belly." Mirio sat up and planted a soft kiss on her stomach, making Arisu giggle a little. Mirio kissed the sides of her body, up her scars and marks. He didn't care if she had stretch marks, freckles, or anything. He loved Arisu for who she was, and he never wanted anything more than her. 

"Maybe one day, when we're older, of course, we'll grow up to be together forever. And we'll work as heroes, side by side...and maybe" he kissed across her arms. "Maybe one day, even if they won't be biological.." Mirio kissed her hands. "Maybe we could have a family when we're older and ready...Even if we don't, that just means you're mine and only mine, sweetheart," he chuckled, kissing along her hands again. 

"You'll be wonderful, no matter what you are or what you want to be...Hero or pianist or astronomer, you'll be my moonlight and you'll shine just as bright, even if you need help to do so." Mirio stood up and kissed Arisu's cheek. "God, you're beautiful face...Everything about you...Your soft, long, and silky hair, your beautiful eyes. You're just a constellation itself, a beautiful picture in the sky."

Mirio kissed down her arms, putting his cheek in her palm. "And I'm your sunshine, though I'm nothing special," he chuckled. "Everyone is awake to see the sun and nobody can look straight at it. It's too bright for its own good sometimes." He laughed a bit, kissing her palm. "The moon though...It leaves just enough light to shine a path in the dark woods. A path to move forward and walk across...I believe the moon is wonderful and mysterious; graceful and calming."

"The sun is wonderful but it's energetic and bright. Sometimes, it just needs to share that light," Mirio smiled softly. "And I'm going to share my light with you...Until you can shine twice as bright on your own. And sometimes you feel like the sun doesn't shine as bright. The clouds cover its light. And you know, sometimes you see the moon as clear as day in the bright morning skies." he kissed her forehead. 

"Even if I need to share my light, sweetheart, I'll do anything to make you smile. I'll do anything to let you see yourself as brightly as I do. I mean, without the moon, it would be so dark at night. I wouldn't find my path without you, sweetheart...because you're part of it. You're part of my path, moonlight. I need your hand to guide me when it's dark in my mind. And you'll have my hand to guide you anytime. Even if it's bright as day and you can't open your eyes just from the harsh light, I'll help you through. I'll do anything for you." Mirio kissed her cheek, wiping away the tear that fell. 

"And even when the sun or the moon is out, a little rain may come; and that's okay. It's wonderful, even. It's what keeps everything alive. It's what helps plants grow, right?" He smiled again. "Don't be afraid to cry, or show any emotion; it's natural. And if you didn't have them, you wouldn't be able to tell me what's right or wrong. Let your emotions guide you into my arms. I'll help you through your sadness, your anger, your pain. You just tell me and my arms are here. They're here to hold onto. My heart is here, too. You can listen to it anytime."

Mirio wrapped his arms around Arisu and pulled her close. He kissed her head and swayed a little, holding her in his arms. "I hope one day I'll meet your father properly, and maybe know what your mother looked like. And perhaps we'll be able to hold each other close like this forever...God, I love feeling like this. I want to protect you forever, even though you don't need it."

He chuckled. "You're just like your father, not in a bad way, though. You're very beautiful, just like he's very handsome; you have his hair. You have his power and you don't even know." Mirio kissed her head again. "People underestimate you both. He's mysterious and powerful, and you're graceful and magical. You're so strong, sweetheart. Even if you were quirkless, you'd find a way to beat me or anyone. You're so intelligent and wise...and even when you're regressed in little space I love you just as much. I love everything you do."

Mirio kissed her for a moment, running a hand through her hair. "You'll be number one at anything you try as long as you stick to it. If you want to be a hero, you'll be above me. If you want to be a pianist, you could play the notes of the stars." He kissed her again, holding her close. "Moonlight, you are number one. And I bet everyone who cares about you knows that. Even if you don't get an A on a paper, or you mess up a note, that doesn't mean you went down a step."

He smiled as he continued. "I mean, All-Might has probably made plenty of mistakes; your dad too. But, look at them..such powerful heroes, and wonderful people. And even if other people don't see you as number one, moonlight; you're my number one." Mirio placed both of his hands on Arisu's face. "You're my number one. There's nobody that means more to me than you and I hope that everyone who sees you feels the same. Otherwise, I will fight them," he laughed a bit. "And, I want our relationship to be open and loving. I'll tell you when I'm upset, and you tell me when you're upset. Obviously, I don't care if you're friends with other guys; I'm not controlling."

"I want you to be happy. And even if that means sacrificing anything for you, I will." Mirio kissed her nose as he held Arisu's face in his hands. "I want you to steal my last name one day. I want to hear the name 'Arisu Togata, the number one hero!'...' Arisu Togata, the top pianist!'...I want to hear my name behind yours one day, baby." He kissed her, holding Arisu as close as he could. 

"I-I love you so much," Arisu smiled fondly as she wiped at her eyes and cheeks. 

Mirio smiled. "I love you too. And I will forever. I'm so excited to one day, hopefully, see you walking up an isle...Hopefully, see you crying happy tears as I hold out a ring...God, I just want to hold you forever. I want to be with you forever." 

Arisu hugged him tightly and Mirio returned the embrace. "My perfect moonlight, my number one," he whispered. 

"You're my hero," Arisu hiccuped from crying. 

"And you're mine," Mirio smiled brightly and kissed her forehead. "Even with tears in your eyes, you shine so bright." 

Arisu hiccuped again with a large smile plastered on her face. 

"Awe, sweetheart I didn't mean to make you cry this much," Mirio chuckled as he wiped her tears away. 

"I-It's fine," she sniffled, still smiling with her eyes full of adoration and love. 

Mirio kissed her nose. "I love you, my moonlight."

Arisu leaned up and kissed his nose back. "I love you too, my sunshine." 

A/N: Okay so writing this left me bawling like a baby but, I hope you all enjoyed it!

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