Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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A/N: Yes, I'm alive. Shocking, I know. Anyway, enjoy this Haikyuu canon character x OC

Perhaps it was the way she smiled. Maybe it was the way she laughed. Or maybe it was just the way her hair swayed when she walked with her head held high. Ushijima didn't know what it was but, something about Yuri Satori made his heart jump to his throat.

Yuri Satori. The just as energetic and extroverted twin of Tendou Satori. The only difference was she was shorter and had longer hair. Their mother loved to refer to the twins as her "little red puppies" because of how quickly they'd wreck havoc everywhere. Good havoc, but still chaos the same.

Ushijima figured Tendou would be furious when he told his friend how he felt about Yuri one autumn afternoon after school. The two of them were in the locker room, changing out to go home after volleyball practice.

Tendou's reaction was just the opposite. He was ecstatic. The redhead bounced with excitement, wanting Ushijima to tell him how his plan played out as soon as he could. All Ushijima gave was a nod and a nervous smile.

Ushijima spotted Yuri outside the gym, her nose nestled into her coat as her braid blew in the breeze, her cheeks dusted pink from the wind in her face. She was waiting for Tendou so the two of them could take the bus home. The brunette smiled and walked up to her, his shadow blocking the light from the setting sun.

Yuri looked up at him and squinted a bit. "Hey Ushijima, what's up?" she asked, her words slightly muffled from her jacket.

Ushijima wanted to speak, but his words got caught in his throat. He wasn't much of a talker, and trying to talk to someone he loved so deeply wasn't making it any easier. Luckily, he had a back up plan. He pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to her before turning away without uttering a word.

Yuri quirked an eyebrow as she watched him quickly stride away. "What was that about?" She wondered and unfolded the paper.

She read the words and started to smile underneath her jacket.

Will you get dinner and a movie with me sometime?
Yes        No

Yuri looked up from the note and saw Ushijima just rounding the corner. Dang, he can walk fast. "Ushijima, wait!" She called and ran after him.

The redhead ran a little too fast and skidded around the corner, slipping on her shoes as she regained balance. The brunette turned to see Yuri panting and her hair everywhere but out of her eyes.

"Yes?" He asked quietly.

"When do you wanna get dinner?" Yuri asked with a smile that could make Oikawa blush.

"Friday?  At 7pm?" He offered as a smile started to grow on his lips.

"Make it a date," she grinned. "See you tomorrow bye~!" She giggled before running after Tendou so they could catch the bus.

Ushijima let out a long breath of relief and smiled before turning back towards the setting sun edits he restarted his walk home.

"What's got you smiling like an idiot?" Tendou asked, tilting his head.

"Oh nothing, just some good news I've been waiting to hear," Yuri smiled as the bus pulled away from the curb and down the street.

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