Let Me Pay-Chris Evans x Reader

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(y/n) - Your name

(f/c)- favorite color

(f/f)- favorite flavor

(e/c)-eye color

(h/c) or (h/l)- hair color or hair length

It was just another day for (y/n). A usual morning routine for you started off with a good cup of coffee. You pulled your (f/c) jacket tighter around your body as the rain pattered above your head. You walked underneath anything you could to stay out of the rain and keep yourself somewhat dry. Finally, you reached your haven: 'Milk And Honey Cafe'. Sighing with relief, you pushed open the door.

Greeted with a gush of warm air, a smile spread across your lips as the relaxing ambiance of the shop filled your ears. There was a small crowd, so light a light chatter. Slow jazz played calmly in the background, mixing in with the sound of rain 'plip plopping' against the windows and coffee being made. Clint, the usual cashier, looked up from the morning newspaper and smiled.

"Morning (y/n)", he greeted, folding the newspaper and placing it on the counter.

"Good morning Clint", you smiled back, running a hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair. 

"The usual?", he grinned.

"The usual"

"That'll be..."

"2.50 I know"

Clint chuckled lightly. "Of course you do", he joked, taking your money. "That'll be out for you in just a moment."

You nodded at him before slipping off your coat and seating yourself in your usual seat by the window. You sighed contently and watched the cars and people pass by. You were in your own little world, and it felt great. 

"Wait just a moment please", a familiar voice stuttered. "I swore I had it with me when I left."

Turning from the window, you saw a tall, broad-shouldered man standing in front of the cashier. He had dark blonde hair, slicked back although it had some volume to it. He had a darker stubble growing and bright, baby blue eyes with long eyelashes. He fiddled with the pockets of his dark blue jeans for a moment longer before you realized who it was: It was your old best friend from college Chris!

Smiling, you stood up from your spot by the window and walked over to the register. You pulled out your wallet. "Let me pay", you insisted.

"No no...it's fine...really it is." he stammered, turning to face you. When he saw you, his eyes lit up and his big, bright smile that warmed your heart erupted onto his face. "(y/n)! Oh my god! H...Hi, hey, how...how are you?"

You laughed. "I'm great, thank you. Now, will you let me pay you, dork?"

"No you don't need to I got it."


"Okay fine", he gave in, stepping aside so you could pay. 

Your coffee came when his did and you both sat where you'd been sitting before he came. Chris sipped his coffee and hummed low under his breath, making your cheeks flush.

"So how's Aviator ?", Chris asked.

"He's getting big", you smiled, pulling out your phone to show a picture of your 2-year-old golden retriever. 

As a graduation gift from college, your father had bought you a golden retriever. Because your dad had been a pilot in the military, you named your dog Aviator, after your father.

Chris smiled and cooed at the picture, chuckling softly. "Soon enough he'll be bigger than you"

"I know! He already almost weighs more than I do", you agreed with a sip of you (f/f) coffee.

The two of you chattered quietly, remembering old memories together and sharing new ones. Time slowly ticked by as you and Chris gradually sipped your coffee every few sentences. With the rain not letting up, you ordered a pastry to waste more time and stay out of the wet and cold streets. 

As Chris talked about a funny memory he had with his brothers, you watched him, smiling warmly. You remembered how close you two were in college, best friends that never let each other out of one another's sight. Sharing close secrets and confiding to one another when in need of comfort. Spending hours and hours talking about nonsense and yet you cherished it all the same. Handshakes, inside jokes, and special little notes. All of those things seeming like they were around only yesterday. 

Oh, how time really did fly. Life looked so different now. With both of you out of college and starting a new life on your own, it felt as though you never got to say something or do something you really needed to. You could feel this little tingling in your stomach and it made your cheeks flush and your head want to fly off of your shoulders.

"Hello? (y/n), Earth to (y/n). You okay?", Chris waved a hand in front of your face, bringing you back to reality.

You blinked a few times and he chuckled. 'God how you loved that laugh'.

"I asked if you had someone special in your life...you know like...a boyfriend", he said, playing with the lid of his cup.

You shook your head no and gazed out of the window. "I haven't really found the right person yet. And besides, I always seem to come back to the same person."

"And who is this person, if you don't mind me asking", he inquired.

You turned your (e/c) eyes from the window and faced his baby blue eyes. "You."

He blinked slowly, his expression unreadable. You soon became worried that he'd get mad or think that you were joking. Feeling guilty, you sighed and sat up to toss your napkin and empty coffee cup in the trash. Before you could leave, you felt a tug on your sleeve. Turning around, you saw Chris standing...well towering, over you. He smiled softly and kissed your cheek before waving and rushing out of the door. 

Confused and unable to comprehend what happened, you stood there for a few moments before Clint's catcalls from the register snapped you out of your thoughts. Sticking out your tongue, you tossed your napkin and cup before returning to your table to get your coat. 

As you pushed in your chair, you noticed something scribbled on a napkin on the table. You read it and smiled. Chris had left you his phone number and asked if you two could meet up to get coffee soon. As he always did, he sighed his name with a little smiley face after his name. 

Feeling a little lighter on your feet, you slipped your coat back on and headed out the door, waving goodbye to Clint. 

Walking onto the sidewalk, you felt your lips tug into a smile once again. 

"Maybe wanting something familiar isn't the worst idea after all..."

Language!-Fandom MadnessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang