Parental Guidance Suggested- Cisco Ramon

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(I'm not putting any information about the story...because I want to surprise you guys...hehe)

It was just another boring day at S.T.A.R Labs. Barry and Caitlin were in the speed lab training while HR was wandering Central City with Joe. So that left Cisco with keeping an eye on the screen just in case there was some sort of crime that popped up, although he doubted it. Central City's been quiet for weeks now, without any trace of the crime. Cisco sighed and spun in his chair, groaning loudly.

 "Why did I have to get stuck with the most boring job in the universe?", he whines, as he pushes his chair across the room. 

He pushed his chair out of the room and peeked into HR's lab, hoping to see him working in there. But he was disappointed to see the room completely deserted. He was about to wheel the chair back to the screens when something caught his eye. On HR's desk, there sat a small bottle filled with a slow fizzing liquid. He pushed out of his chair and sauntered over to the desk, snatching the bottle from its place on the desk. He turned the bottle over in his hands, examining its contents.

 "Looks like a soda from his Earth", Cisco muttered to himself. He glanced back at the door to make sure no one was coming.

Confirming that no one was coming, he unscrewed the cap and took a small sip. Cisco closed the cap and wrinkled his nose, coughing softly. 

"Tastes like vinegar", he coughed out, walking out of the room and back to his chair in the hall. He pushed the chair back to the hall, his nose still wrinkled from the unpleasant drink. 

Little did he know, he'd just drank something he'd regret later.

Twenty minutes passed and Cisco was still bored out of his mind. He slumped in his chair, sucking on a lollipop slowly. He sat up and hopped out of the chair. 'Did I just hop off of the chair?', he thought as he furrowed his brows. He slowly turned around and dropped his lollipop upon realization. 

"What the Harry Potter?!", he screeched as he pulled at his hair. 

He ran out of the room and rushed to the nearest reflective thing he could find. "I'm-I'm...A CHILD!?", he screamed as he looked at himself in the glass. 

Sure enough, he had somehow shrunk down to the size of a three-year-old. 'This isn't possible', his thoughts raced.

 "HR's drink", he thought aloud.

 He stomped his foot and pouted, thinking what on Earth he was going to do. The sound of Barry's footsteps snapped him out of his thoughts. He panicked and looked down the hall as his heart began to race. His first thought was: run.

So without hesitation, Cisco sprinted down the hall. He ran as fast as he could and slid into the main lab, his heart racing. Barry walked in just as Cisco ducked underneath a table.

 "Hey Cisco-", he stopped and looked around the room, confused. "Cisco? Hey Cisco where'd you go?", he called out. Cisco tried not to move but his nose tickled. He tried to hold back, but he just couldn't. 

He sneezed from underneath the table and silently smacked his forehead. "Cisco where he-"

"I'm right here Barry", Cisco mumbled as he crawled out from underneath the table.

 Barry looked down and his eyes widened with shock. Cisco looked up and him and laughed nervously. Barry swayed where he stood and fainted. Cisco tried not to laugh as he walked over to his friend and waved in front of his face, trying to wake him. Barry sat straight up, his chest heaving. He looked over to see the small Cisco looking at him, his face written with worry.

 "What are we supposed to do?", Cisco whined. Barry opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Caitlin's heels clicking down the hall.

"Barry? Cisco? What are you two doing?", she called as her footsteps closer. Cisco yelped as Barry stood up, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Caitlin walked in and looked at Barry with a raised eyebrow. 

"Where's Cisco?", she asked, crossing her arms.

"Um, yeah about that...", Barry chuckled nervously. 

Cisco clutched Barry's leg and looked up at his friend anxiously. Caitlin looked down at Cisco and her lips tugged into a grin. She knelt to Cisco's height and chuckled softly. Cisco hid farther behind his friend's leg, becoming more embarrassed.

"Hey it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you", she soothed, holding out her hand. 

Cisco hid completely behind Barry's leg, burying his head into the fabric. Barry chuckled and picked up his friend, balancing him on his hip. Cisco sucked his thumb and looked at Barry with wide dark brown eyes. Barry smiled and bounced him gently, humming in his ear. Cisco's eyes fluttered and he yawned, resting his head on Barry's shoulder.

 Caitlin chuckles softly and suggested they find a place for him to rest. He agreed and they silently walked to the hospital wing as Cisco began to drift off to sleep. Barry laid Cisco on the bed and pulled the covers over his small body but he refused to let go of Barry's hand. He sighed softly and pulled up a chair to sit next to him. Caitlin smiled and left, saying she was going to grab some lunch. 

Cisco slept silently, a small smile stretched across his chubby cheeks. Barry eventually fell asleep in the chair next to him, still clutching his small hand.  Finally, HR and Joe returned from their little "adventure" chuckling and chattering aimlessly. Caitlin bumped into them in the hall and smiled nervously. Joe's smile faltered slightly, becoming anxious that something bad had happened. 

"What's wrong Caitlin?", he asked, stepping beside her.

Caitlin chuckled softly and motioned for them to follow her. HR and Joe exchanged a confused glance before following behind her down the hall. Her heels clicked noisily as she neared the hospital room. HR's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and Joe cocked an eyebrow. Caitlin shook her head and opened the door, revealing Barry and a mini Cisco fast asleep. Joe snorted and his lips cracked into a grin. HR laughed under his breath and smiled, taking in the scene. Barry snorted in his sleep and the three chuckled before closing the door again. HR smiled thoughtfully. Joe raised an eyebrow at him. 

"You good Wells?", he asked.

"I'm perfectly fine", he grinned. "But it looks like until Cisco's back to normal, he'll need some parental guidance", he snickered. 

The three erupted into howling laughter.

END! That was a fun one to write! How did I do? Let me know and SEND ME SUGGESTIONS! 

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