The Fourth What?

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A/N: I got this little idea after a conversation with @Pancake_With_Class in a comment section of my story's something just for fun :)

"Woah, where are we?"

"That is an excellent question..."

Dakota's footsteps echoed across the black and white checkered tile. Her green and brown heterochromatic eyes looked at Dodger, who was staring off at something else. "Dodger, you okay?" she waved a freckled hand in front of the angel's face. Dodger shook her head and shifted her gaze to her friend.

Dodger walked over to a white brick wall. "This seems to have no end."

Dakota's face scrunched up in confusion as she looked over the wall. "What's it here for?"

"Could be something on the other side."

"Only one way to find out," Dakota took a few steps back and cracked her knuckles.

"What are you doing?" Dodger tilted her head.

"I need to get a running start to climb over this, don't I?" the redhead smirked. Dakota ran at the wall full speed.

But the second she made contact with the wall, she went through it. Dodger's eyes widened in fear. "Dakota?" she spun on her heel to see where she'd gone."Dakota, where'd you go?"

She blew her wavy silver locks from her gunmetal grey eyes. Chewing on her bottom lip, Dodger placed a pale hand against the wall. Her hand went through the wall as though it wasn't even a wall. To the angel, it looked like she was pushing her hand through a fog.

"Father, please don't let me die," she whispered before walking through the wall...if that's even what it was.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Who in the gods' names are you two?" A young British voice asked harshly.

Dodger and Dakota looked up to see an 18-year old girl with raven black hair falling in soft waves to her rear. Bottle green eyes glared at the women, and Dakota gulped.

Calmly, Dodger stood up and looked at the girl. "My name is Dodger, and I'm an angel of the lord."

Dakota facepalmed. "Oh my Chuck, we're going to die," she muttered.

"What did you say?" The girl pushed her sword closer to Dakota's neck.

"I said that we come in peace, and we're just as confused as you are," Dakota glanced from the sword to the girl. "Who are you?"

With a flick of the girl's wrist, the sword vanished. "Princess Asteria Jasmine Lokidottir of Johntunheim."

Dakota scrambled to her feet before bowing awkwardly. "We humbly apologize, your majesty."

The women heard Asteria chuckle, and they looked to see her smiling. "No need to bow or apologize. It's an old habit of mine, introducing myself like that."

"We were hoping you could tell us how we ended up here," Dodger explained. 

"I haven't the foggiest idea," Asteria replied. "One moment I was alone, the next both of you were here." She thought for a moment. "Although, I did notice that you seemed to appear from that wall magically." She pointed toward a wall on the opposite side of the room before realization hit her. "Oh no, not again."

"Again?" Dodger and Dakota asked in unison.

"I know what's happening here," Asteria pinched the bridge of her nose and let out an annoyed breath before looking at the women. "The author has created a breakable fourth wall."

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