Adventures of a Tiny Tony

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A stubborn Little and an annoyed Caretaker. What could possibly go wrong?

Stephen huffed angrily. "Go put your pants on."

"No", Tony retorted, sticking his nose up.

"Pants time", Strange tried again. 


"Pants Party!", the wizard shook a pair of pants.

"Noooooo!", Tony shook his head.

"You need pants!"


"Put your pants on!", he fought back a laugh.

"Nooooo", the small brunette teased, sticking out his tongue. 

"Awe come on!", Strange gave up and flopped onto the couch, defeated.

Tony giggled in triumph as he jumped up next to Stephen and smiled. 

"Nope. No cuddles until you put on some pants", Stephen said, holding back a smile. 

The Little pouted through his pacifier and frowned, bouncing in annoyance. He whined and tried to wiggle underneath Stephen's arms. The wizard shook his head and inched away, making Tony whine again. 

"Pants first. Then cuddles", He smiled.

"I don' wan' pants", the little groaned, face-planting into a pillow.

"Then you don't get cuddles", the wizard shrugged.

He whined again and pouted more, his pacifier falling out. Crossing his arms, he huffed. He gave Strange a pleading look but the sorcerer simply shook his head no. 

So Tony sat there for at least three minutes before at last, he gave in. How on earth could he resist cuddles from his Dada? He slid off of the couch and walked into his room before sifting through his clothes for a pair of sweatpants. Finally, he found his grey-purple pair and slid them on. Satisfied with his work, he walked back into the room and stopped in front of his Dada, stretching his arms out. 

Strange looked up from his book and smiled at seeing his adorable face. He grabbed his Little and pulled him into his lap, chuckling lightly. Tony reached across the couch and grabbed his pacifier, popped it in his mouth, before resting his head in the crook of Strange's neck. With a content sigh, Tony began to drift off to sleep and Strange soon followed.


A/N: There are going to be a few tiny stories in this chapter. Maybe I could do a part two? Tell me what you think :)

It was another normal night at the Avengers Tower. Each hero was calmly enjoying their evening on their floors; watching TV, reading, or hanging out with some friends. For Tony, it was another Little Space Weekend and he was enjoying "Hercules" for the umpteenth time. He giggled and sang along to the songs he knew. Strange held him in his arms, watching the movie with him even though he's seen it more times than he can count. 

After an hour and thirty-three minutes, the movie ended and Tony let out a small yawn as his Dada turned off the TV.

Strange bounced him lightly in his arms as he stood. "You tired little man?", he cooed, brushing the bangs out of his face.

Tony nodded with a yawn and rested his head against the sorcerer's shoulder. With a light chuckle, Stephen carried him to the bathroom. There, they brushed their teeth and washed their faces. One done, Strange's cloak carried Tony to their room, where the Little pulled back the covers and crawled in. Stephen walked in as Jarvis clicked on the slow changing fairy lights. 

Language!-Fandom MadnessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora