Hide and Seek-Baby Stucky x Reader

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(Bucky is your two year old and Steve is your one year old. You run out of the room for a second to grab a toy for Bucky Bear but when you come back...they're gone! You begin to panic until you hear giggles coming from their hiding place)

(Also Thor is your husband uwu)

(h/l) - hair length

(h/c)- hair color

(y/n)- your name

Reader's POV:

"Shh, don't cry Bucky Bear. Oh come here", I whisper as he sobs.

 I pick up the little brunette from his crib and bounce him gently, humming in his ear softly. He calms down gradually and I smile. "There we go baby, no need to cry see?"

"Steeby", he mumbles around his thumb. 

smile and pull out his thumb before slipping a pacifier into his mouth. He grins and I laugh, bouncing him on my hip.

 "You wanna go play with Stevie?", I ask him. He nods and I shift his small body so I can carry him easier.

 Together, we make out way to the living room where Steve is playing with his plushies on the floor. "Steeby!", Bucky cries happily.

The small blond turns away from his toys and smiles through his pacifier at the sight of his brother. 

"Bubby!", he giggles, reaching for him with his small hands. 

I laugh and place Bucky on the floor next to Steve. Instantly, they begin chattering and giggling as they play, smiles plastered across their chubby cheeks. Bucky looks around the selection of stuffed animals and his smile fades. He looks at me with his big round gunmetal blue eyes. "General Tebby...", he sniffles.

"You want me to grab General Teddy for you Bear?", I coo as I brush his bangs from his eyes. 

He nods and I rush to their room to grab his teddy bear. As I rummage through their toys, I listen to their giggling and smile. Oh, how cute they were. Finally, I found Bucky's toy and grabbed it before I return to the living room.

 "I got General Teddy for you Bucky", I call as I enter the room. 

But upon my entry, my smile fades. I look around and notice there were no babies to be seen. I set the bear on the sofa and begin to wonder about the living room slowly as I start to fill with panic. I continue to search for Steve and Bucky. 

"Stevie? Bucky Bear? Where are you munchkins?", I call as I peek underneath the coffee table. 

My insides begin to fill with worry as I exit the living room and rush to the kitchen, checking everywhere I can. I open every cupboard and drawer that's close to the ground. No sign of the two babies.

 "They can't just disappear. They're not like Vision", I mumble as I crouch down to look underneath the breakfast bar; still nothing. 

I sigh and run a hand through my (h/l) (h/c) hair and let out a slow breath. Then I hear something. I turn from the stove and lean over the breakfast bar to see where the sound came from; I hear it again. It's...giggling. I facepalm and laugh, figuring out what was happening. 

"Hide and seek it is", I laugh to myself. I begin to tiptoe across the kitchen and listen to the quiet giggling. As I got closer to my room, the giggles got louder. "Do I hear the laughter of my lunch?", I mock in a low gravely voice. 

The laughter was stifled but was growing louder as I quietly pushed open my door. I heard scuffling from behind my curtains and I looked from the doorway to see four little feet sticking out from the curtains. I pretended not to notice and stomped across the room, looking under my bed, the dresser, and desk, acting as though I couldn't hear them, but their laughter was loud enough for the whole tower to hear. 

"Hm, I guess they're not in here", I said loudly. "I guess I'll go play with these adorable plushies all by myself", I called as I walked toward the door.

"Ere we are mummy! E're over here!", they shouted as they quickly waddled over to me, arms outstretched.

 I turned around and scooped up the laughing boys, smothering them in kisses and raspberries. The squealed in delight and I laughed as I carried them out of my room and back to the living room. They laughed and hugged me as I flopped onto the couch with them. I cuddled with them and flicked on the TV to their favorite movie, 'Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium'. They clapped and snuggled closer as the movie started. I watched with them, wondering when Thor would return from his trip. He'd been on a long trip with Tony for a good two weeks now, going to meetings and press conferences. But I pushed the thought of him gone out of my mind and watched the movie with my babies.

Halfway through the film, Steve's stomach growled and he whimpered. 

"You want a bottle Stevie babe?", I cooed in his ear as I bounced him gently on my left leg. He nodded and Bucky's stomach also growled. 

"Okay you two", I placed them on the floor. "No running off until I get back with your bottles okay?", I said as I stood up.

They nodded and I left to make their bottles. This time, I checked on them every so often to make sure they were still there. But every time I went to peek in from the kitchen, they were cuddled together on the floor, eyes glued to their favorite film. Once the bottles were finished, I grabbed them off the counter and returned to the living room. 

I set the bottles on the table next to the couch, picked the boys off of the floor, and handed Bucky his bottle, knowing he was going to drain it within five minutes. He gurgled happily as he rested his head on my chest, still fully interested in the movie. I placed Steve in my arms and slipped the nipple of the bottle into his mouth and he hummed contently. Once Bucky finished his bottle, he burped and leaned over the arm of the couch to set it on the table. He then snuggled close to me and yawned softly.

 Steve took his sweet time finishing his bottle. After Steve was finished, I placed his bottle next to Bucky's and shifted him in my arms to burp him. He let out a soft burp and I praised him. I turned him around on my lap so he could watch the movie with Bucky. But after three minutes, Steve was out cold. I rested his head on my shoulder and let him sleep, knowing Bucky would be asleep soon after. Bucky yawned and rested his head on my lap. 

"You wanna take a nap Bear?", I mumbled into his hair as I kissed his head. He shook his head no but yawned again.

"M not tired", he muttered sleepily.

"You can take a nap baby. Then you can play with Stevie later okay?", I said softly, not wanting to wake Steve.

He nodded and wrapped his arms around my neck. Using my free arm, I supported his bottom and carried the sleepy boys to their room. I laid Steve in his crib first before placing Bucky in his crib. I handed him his pacifier and teddy bear before tucking him in and kissing his forehead. I left the nightlight on as I flicked off the lights and closed the door softly.

 I return to the living room to see Thor standing in the living room, grinning from ear to ear. I hold back a yelp of joy and rush into his open arms. He chuckles and returns the warm embrace. I bury my face into his chest, smiling happily. He pulls me away for a moment to kiss me tenderly. I nearly melt on the spot but blush all the same. He breaks the kiss and smiles sweetly before kissing my forehead. I smile and hug the god again. He gives a quick squeeze before releasing me from the hug slowly. 

"How have you been (y/n)?", he asks as we seat ourselves on the couch.

"Same old, same old. But I'm so happy your back", I giggle.

"I'm glad (y/n). And how are the little troublemakers?", he smiles fondly.

"I just laid them down for a nap. Although we did have a little...predicament today", I grin at the memory of earlier today.

"Oh? What did they do this time", Thor chuckles.

"Who taught them hide and seek?", I ask with a smile.

"I believe their Uncle Clint did", Thor laughs softly as he shakes his head.

"The explains why I found them so easily"

Thor laughs again and pulls me in for a hug. We watch the rest of the movie together while catching up on everything that he did while he was gone.

And all the while I couldn't help but smile...

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