I gasped in shock when i opened my eyes, those weren't visions, those were memories. I fell on my knees, trying to catch my breath. "What the.." i murmured. I shook my head and tried to stand back up, holding the wall next to me for support. I placed a hand on the side of my head. My thoughts weren't as clear, i was wondering in the depth. Who was she? Why was she holding me? And her eyes, godly like.

For years the premonitions kept on unknotting its strings swayed through the very laps inside of my brain. None of its end could explain any of the information painted. For weeks i have been massacring Raiden's book collection to earn the knowledge the papers contain.

But none whatsoever had the output to my problems. Sincerely maybe i hadn't taken a look close enough, or is it because visions aren't a thing to succumb for such elucidation.

Other than constantly dwelling about the mystery, one had occurred to mind, at least. Another riddle filled my thoughts. Raiden's confidant as a god moisturized my close minded figure. As i thought from the beginning his nature are far more discreet rather than Fujin.

Seemingly maybe because he had to keep his distance towards mortal. But why is it any different for Fujin's shining personality? Both brothers had the title god implemented across. But for the past couple of days, i often see his way to see me changes every time we meets the eye. Another mystery for another time.

Suddenly, a lightning strike slashed the ground outside the temple, i rushed to see a familiar silhouette standing there. With a smile implemented across my face, eagerly i approached him. "Welcome home, Raiden." I bowed down as he did as well.

"(Y/N), i am in need of your assistant."

I tilted my head confused, "Where?"

Not even bothered enough to answer my curiosity, he, without hesitant, reached for my hand. After i flinched myself at the very spot, he lifted his free arm out in the sky. Summoned his lightning to brush our figures. The moment i blinked my eyes, we were in a different ground. Crowded, many troops and Outworlders. My mind clicked when i see the particular citizens.

The refugees

He let go of my hand and led the way to a tent, there i saw a familiar figure sitting gracefully with a cup of tea on her held. There was a momentary pause resides within the atmosphere when we made eye contact. Seemingly because i was processing the facial features who had reminded me of a sister figure to me.

"Li Mei?!" i exclaimed.

The person in contact flickered her eyes. Her ponytail swung back as i wrapped my hands around her body. Gently letting myself placed my head on her shoulder.

"(Y/N)?" she placed a hand on my head.

"Gods i missed you..."

I could feel her lips twitched upwards as she tighten the held. The familiar scent from her hair stroke my nostrils, revealing my old memories in the past. Feeling the long lost warmth. A friend. A sister from a different mother and realm. The one who always helped me in troubled times when i first arrived in Outworld.

Seeing her again made my heart enlightened itself, gradually making my consciousness to not let her go out from my reach. But of course, her comfort said otherwise.

"W-wow your eyes" she exclaimed as soon as she pulled back from the hug.

"Yeah, long story," i said.

Raiden had no reactions. However, i could tell the questions lies inside the million laps of his brain.

"Are the others safe? The warriors? The--"

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