#9 - People Who Hate On Miley Cyrus

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It’s one of the most beautiful things to witness in the world.

Watching a person transform by growing, by learning, through different experiences is beautiful.

And it surely doesn’t happen overnight.

It’s a long, painful process.

But the end product is always beautiful.

A caterpillar, morphing into a butterfly is certainly beautiful, but do we know how tough and painful it must be for the caterpillar?


Let’s apply the same logic here:

A few years back, everyone simply adored Miley Cyrus. She was bigger than just Hannah Montana. She was unofficially the face of Disney. Even though Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, and the Jonas Brothers have their roots in Disney, it is Miley who reaps the most. She was the teen idol, a princess.

I think that’s why everyone was shocked at her 2013 VMA performance.

Because no one expects someone who was such a huge teen idol to twerk wearing minimal clothing. No, princesses always have a happy ending, should always be in gowns, and be perfect.

But remember who we’re talking about here.

A human.

A human who also has feelings and emotions like the rest of us, and has low self esteem days. A human who doesn’t have a proper private life because of her profession. A human who cries like all of us. It doesn’t matter if its matter or not. Every human has feelings.

It’s been more than a year since the infamous VMAs have taken place, and people still bitch about her or throw hate towards her or keeping saying ‘I miss the old Miley.’ Enough of that bullshit okay?

I get it, in our eyes; she has done a huge mistake. But maybe, in her eyes, it was the only way she saw to break free. To show the world she wasn’t who they thought she was. And I think that’s incredibly brave. To show her true self, to not lie to people. She can’t act forever, can she? She thought it’d be easier to be who she really is. Hating on her for something she did a year back is stupid, immature and proves you have nothing better to do.

I admit, the performance shook me, and I’ve hated her for a while after but I’ve learned that people change, masks come off, and true forms come out. It was gonna come out one day anyway. I don’t see what’s wrong about being who you truly are.

Hannah Montana was simply a character she played. You have no say in telling her how she needs to behave. It’s her life, her wish. Say something positive, or shut up. You aren’t making anyone’s life better by whiling away hours in front of a device, posting hate and creating accounts to post more hate. It shows how sadistic and shallow you are. Get a life because all that matters is if she’s happy or not.


Really needed to get this out. It isn't fair how people hate celebrities without a valid reason.

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