• A Letter •

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  Dear the-boy-who-has-too-many Marvel-related/LP-shirts,           

There is no specific reason for writing this letter. I just felt like writing it besides, I like writing random letters. :P

Haha, what a weird yet oddly satisfying two years it's been. It was nothing short of a roller coaster ride. I never would've imagined coming to FWS, and later, I never would've imagined being happy here. But here I am. Happy. 

A year ago, things were a mess between us. I hated this place, these people and I couldn't wait to get out. But now – I don't wanna leave.

I cannot describe how much my experience here has taught me. Its immense.

I don't know about you. Year One was a horrid, horrid mess. Year two was a bliss for me. I found home... I don't think Year 2 went so smoothly for you. Strike that. I know I didn't go smoothly for you. It's been hard. But you. You put on a brave face and smiled throughout it all without losing your cool. Do you know how much I admire you for that? Well, you are DGV-Man, after all. ;)

I met you two years ago, and time has flown so fast. Too fast for my liking. I met you, we became friends, then a link came (once Akhil teased you with me, sometime last January xD) (How things have changed ;) ) then I don't know how, but shit happened. Then bad blood. Then with time, things changed. 

They say time heals everything, maybe its true. Some scars might never fade, but its okay. We will eventually move on, and make peace with our past. I cannot make peace with my 9th now, but one day, I will. And I hope you do too. Time definitely healed things between us. I don't know how but we started talking again, became friends again and I think we are now better than we ever were.

Funny, I don't regret anything but I regret fighting with you. What you wrote actually makes sense. I wish we'd never fought. But everything which has happened has made me who I am today.

I am so sorry (once again), for what happened last year. It was so terrible. The only thing that helped me survive is writing and music. But I have buried my 9th deep inside me. I don't even remember it. It seems like a memory from another lifetime. Distant, faded, almost forgotten.

But I cannot forget the fact that I caused you pain and hurt once. It will haunt me for a long time. I'm sorry.

Now, I don't even remember you're from Chennai xD SERIOUSLY.

Remember this?


>> You imitating PAK.


>>  HPS "catching us".

>> Food fest xD


>> Leo and "Lewis"

>> Our pranks!

>> The awkward blurred selfie xD

>> AI Talks.

>> All the song videos you sent (which I probably forgot to see haha sorry. I will someday)

>> The "Rithu" cake! (Yes, I remember this)

>> Jo tying a rakhi HAHAHHAHAHHAHAH

>> Me being elated over getting a mark or two more than you in NTSE Mock tests xD

>> Erm... aur kya... YOUR HINDI xD

>> D – DARING, 

      G – GLAMOROUS, 

      V – VIRGINNNN xD

>> Me always. Always asking you "Where's Jyothika?" Like you're her bodyguard -_-

>>  "Pasha Andarivadele"

>> You sitting on Princi's chair. xD 

>> My confession.

>> The time I told Adi was inspired by you. 


>> Your HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL skit at last year's farewell

>> Our bitching sessions.

>> Your/my ranting sessions.

Sorry about the poem thing as well lol. Please complete Mission Orion! I don't like sci-fi so much but I'll read it. Who else will support you, If not for friends? ;)

I do not understand your obsession with LP, or Interstellar or actually giving a shit about your duty as the Head Boy of FWS, but I know a few things for sure:

· You are the most responsible person I know.

· You don't deserve any of the shit that's happened to you. None. You don't deserve to lose friends like you did.

· Hybrid Boy/Delta Force days need to come back!

· Remember when you sent a clip of you rapping? Hahaha sorry I spilled the beans! xD


· You deserved the principal's award. 100%.

· On the other hand, you don't need a stupid award to tell the world that you're outstanding.

Now, today, there is a handful of people I trust, and one of them is you. I don't know if you feel the same. It doesn't matter anyhow. I trust you. Weirdly enough, talking to you and a few others makes my day. And thanks for not teasing me!

Thank you for these two years, DGV. The school is indebted to you. And I will always be grateful for knowing you. Thank you! Keep in touch! (Plz) 

Don't forget me :P

And you're not a soldier. You're a warrior.


I hope you get what you deserve <3

From someone who wishes the best for you,

- V 

P.S. – In the first draft, this was "I'll never tell you what V in DGV is!" but since Jo let the cat out of the bag, meh. -_- 

P.P.S. – (not PSS xD) I'm here if you need a friend. K? Or someone to rant to. xD! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING. THANK YOU, IDIOT. xD

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