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So it's 11:36 PM. And in exactly 24 minutes, I turn 16.

No major plans for tomorrow, but I'm unusually excited and I just really, really hope tomorrow will go smoothly and I hope it isn't a bad day and I am laughing throughout.

Looking back at this year, it has been just great. The second half of 2k15 was the best, and still is and I'd like to thank a few people:

> Nadiya, for making me laugh and smile throughout the day and just for sticking with me. What would I do without you? 

> Jyothika, although you treat me the same as someone else -_- , your fucking jokes are the best, the best, and your slang is freaking epic.

> Hrithik Sagar and Co. (xD), for being the most epic people I've seen. Your grudges against CKN and PJS is one of a kind.

> X 'A' for being amazing friends and for sharing your food. :P

> Rithvik, for actually giving a shit about the school. Kind of. [Okay, edit: Rithvik, you care too damn much about the school, even though it doesn't deserve it. Thank you for being one of the few council members focused on doing something for it. MAJOR SHOUTOUT TO RITHVIK EVERYONE. Happy? ;) ]

> And and and my badass juniors, for loving me and not forgetting me.

> Also, everyone else. Thank you thank you thank you. Highs or lows, 10th will always be the best year in my life. Thank you.

Quite emotional, eh. 16 is just around the corner. I will always be grateful to 15. Thank you, sheesh. I need to stop ahahaha. :')

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