#13 - School 2.0

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im updating after 4 months whaaat

not really

im not surprised, given my levels of procrastination


summer's almost done

which means no more ice creams, mangoes, lazy days (aka everyday), sleeping late night (wait, this won't change, strike that), skipping bathing for a few days (and by this, i mean two days, not much more) and being online 24/7. 

and what does the end of summer indicate.

the start of school.

which is equivalent to hell.


i cannot even fathom how much i despise school

it just sends me into a dark, depressing, stressed out mode and i just hate it so much

and when i think of the people who like school, because maybe their school isnt brainwashing, or actually teaches in a fun and not rote method or isn't that pressurizing on the kids, i am so jealous because why cannot i go to such a school boohoo

school just means:

* stress

* never-ending headaches 

* never-ending DRAMA

* teacher-student wars (which are quite fun, as long as they don't involve me)

* boring lectures, in even boring subjects

* sitting in one position for hours together (my butt hurts, ffs)

* stRESS

* having the fear of being ridiculed in front of everyone

* student fights

and i could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on...

but school does has it's amazing moments

like laughing your ass off in middle of class because of a joke you/your friend(s) cracked, but having to conceal it because you don't get screwed and kicked out

yeah those are the moments i live for

because the best part about school, no matter how much of a hell it is, is that with friends, it's always better

and being a little perverted doesn't harm ;)

and and the moments when a festival/national event comes along and the whole school atmosphere changes and you have something to look forward to? unforgettable days

but once school starts, it doesn't stop

and that's why im dreading school


(cue for someone to kill me)


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