In a Happy Place

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After ages, I'm finally updating.

Hi. c:

10th grade is surprisingly better than ever. 

Well yeah, there is constant stress over never-ending exams and regular fights between friends, but hey. It's not as bad as last year was. 

I'm finally accepting that I'm happy. Look at me. I have more than I could ever ask for. Yeah, I'm not talking about material things (I still need my own phone but that's another story). But I'm talking about non-material things. The things that matter.

I have excellent company who keep me laughing throughout the day. My grades are fairly good and consistent (my report card of last year was even messed up than my sleep schedule). 

My parents are happy with how I'm doing academically (and that's a lot). 

I'm on good terms with the guy who I wasn't on good terms with last year.

I have the most kickass best friend ever. She's everything and more. 

I've managed to eliminate all the unwanted negativity from my life and my life is better, drama free, happier. 

The guys of my class respect me (that's HUGE, since they are always at war with all the other girls in my class) and the teachers who teach me only care about studies and do not like drama (unlike last year's teachers) and they respect me too. 

Everything's going fine for once and I'm sure the tables will turn someday and I'm terrified that I'll lose what I have, but I'm good for now. And that is all that matters. 



PS - Spread positive vibes. Positivity is the key, guys. :)

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