CH 30

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People say jealousy is a green-eyed monster. And, they couldn't be more right, from the moment Kara announced that her friend, Kate Kane would spend some days with them, Lena became the incarnation of jealousy, especially because it's so obvious, the way Kate stares at Kara, the way she softly touches the blonde, the way she teases her and, what does Kara do about it?! Nothing! It's killing Lena to realize how naive her dear wife is in front of a big wolf as Kate Kane.

So yeah, Lena is not happy to have Batwoman with them, flying around Supergirl and she definitely doesn't like either to have to cook for their guest...

"Lena cooks the most delicious lasagna you'll ever taste, Kate! You'll love it!"

The CEO smiles when her wife says so wonderful things about her, it makes her blushes till...

"And, what will we have for dessert? You, Kara?"

Kara doesn't get the joke, but she giggles anyway, while Lena strongly drops the knife she had in her hand, nailing it on the chopping board. Kate gulps hard when she sees the crazy look of Lena and the way she twists the knife, probably imagining she's nailing it in something else... in someone else.

They have dinner as always, the kids and Kara, fighting to get the last portion, till Lena shows the dessert and everyone forgets about the lonely fraction of lasagna that was left. No better way to get the kids to sleep than chocolate cake. Contrary to other kids, a big dose of sugar pushes them to the dreamworld. And before knowing it, all the kids go to bed.

"4 kids... wow... you're really Supergirl if you can manage so many kids every day..."

The blonde chuckles and admits that it's not an easy job, but, thankfully she doesn't have to do it alone. With love in her eyes, Kara stretches her hand to hold Lena's hand and softly squeezes it as she says...

"I couldn't do this without my Lena"

Once again, the Kryptonian makes her blushes. The possessive 'my' brings so much joy to Lena's heart that for a brief moment, the green-eyed monster of jealousy till their guest asks how they got so many kids. Now, it's time for Kara to blush as she tries to explain how babies come to the world.

"Well... you know... when two people... you know..."

Kara giggles with a lot of blush on her face and Lena loves to see how shy she acts. Will she be this shy when they will have to talk about sex with the kids? Lena wonders, she cannot wait to see how that will go when the time comes. And, while Lena pictures their future, someone else decides to tease...

"I didn't know two women could make babies together. Geez, I might have to make plenty of calls when I get back home..."

"And, when will that be to be precise?"

Lena asks directly when she will get rid of her, she doesn't get an answer, just a smirk from Batwoman and the raven-haired woman angrily groans to herself as she can't wait to see her far, very far away from them. As always, Kara ignores what is happening around her and she just explains how her Kriptonian anatomy made it possible to have kids.

"So, anyone can get you pregnant?"

"Well... I don't know... I suppose. We haven't done any tests about my genes"

"If you need to test it, I volunteer!"

"What?" (Giggling) "What funny things you say, Kate..."

Kara is laughing, but she's the only one on the table who finds it funny. This is where Lena arrives to her limit and maybe that's why the next day, while Kara is at the park with their kids and Alex & Lexa. The dear CEO decides to have a little chat with the bachelorette of Gotham City.

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