CH 45 (last chapter)

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Hi guys, what a journey, right? This started as a request and became one of my favorite works. Thank you all for the support, the constant enthusiasm for this story. Thank you all really, and here, the closing of this beautiful journey, hope you like it 🙂

If you had the power to undo, change one thing in your life, what would it be? Well, if you ask Lena, the answer is simple: nothing. For better or for worse, all the missteps, the ups & down, every decision and mistake, it all has brought her where she's right now. She wouldn't be the person she's today without that messy past and she wouldn't have gotten the super family she has without it either. So, yes, Lena wouldn't change a thing, not even when some of her kids push her patience to the limit...

"Clarke, what is Krypto doing here? In your room?"

Lena's posture says more than a thousand words. The little blonde who's now 6, needs to choose wisely her words, even the little, scared puppy knows you don't mess with a tired Lena who doesn't look happy at all. Finding mud dog prints, all around the house the moment she gets home, it wasn't the welcome home she needed today. And the clear path of mud towards Clarke's room reveals exactly the responsible for this mess. Clarke will need to be more careful to hide their tracks next time but, for now, all she can do it's to do as her mom Kara does the best: say the first thing that comes into her mind and go with it. Sadly, just like for Kara, it doesn't work well every time...

"He got lost, mommy!"

"He got lost?!"

Lena takes deep breaths as her daughter starts rambling about Krypto's odyssey. How their new dog, all by himself, was able to open the door of the house, wandering around, looking for its own dog house till he, again by himself, found Clarke's room instead. Really, if Lena thought Kara was bad at lying, her little one is proving Kara's not the only bad liar in the family. Anyway...

"Nice try, but no... c'mon let's go, out, Krypto, out, now!"

"But, mum! It's raining outside!"

"He has his own house in the backyard, Clarke, nothing bad will happen to him"

A very expensive dog house if you might need to know. Lena has paid so many expensive things for a pet she didn't want in the first place. She told Kara that with so many kids in the house and their demanding jobs, they didn't have the time to add a dog into the mix but, of course she lost that battle against Kara's pout. That adorable pout will be her doom, Lena says that to herself. Anyway, regardless of how cute the dog is, dogs should stay outside. It's what Lena thinks, but Clarke will not let him go, especially when the lightning strikes more than once.

"Krypto! Protect me!"

Clarke has never liked the lightning, like Kara, her senses are very sharp and she's still trying to get used to her super senses. Lena immediately lights up the red lamps to damp her powers, it helps a little like the earphones Lena made for her. But, nothing helps her more than the little puppy she's holding between her arms. Lena sighs, she has no choice but to let the dog stay the night inside the house.

"Just for tonight, okay, Clarke?"

Clarke nods with a little smile, and gets ready to go to bed. Lena cleans Krypto pats and helps her little one to settle under the covers with the dog at her side. She would have loved to stay and watch over Clarke, but she has other toddlers who might be getting also a little fussy with the lightstorm. Lena kisses Clarke's head before heading to the twin's room.

"What are you doing, sitting in the dark?"

The twins don't reply, they just stretch their arms towards Lena as soon as she comes into their room. They're already 4 years old and yet, they still...

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