CH 25

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Hi, I know that some of you are crushed for what I did with the baby. It's a sad moment for the couple, a little of drama that I think, it will make them stronger. Now, this chapter is short, but, very emotional if you ask me, I got a tear in some parts.

Anyway, hope you like it, and, thank you in advance if you've the time to leave a review.

Stay safe, take care of yourself. See U!


*** Lena's narrative (voice-over) ***

When you're little, you get scared of the dark, of the monsters you believe, live under your bed. You grow up, and you still find yourself scared of monsters; they are just different from what you thought. Hate, ignorance, self doubt, regrets, anger... so many monsters... but, you shouldn't be scared of them, you should get scarier of what they can take away from you...

"Kara...?" Lena softly says when she gets into their bedroom. It's the first day back home since the incident of the Kriptonite. It took a while, but Lena could clear the air. There's no risk of exposure, Lena made sure to run an infinity of tests to be sure of that. Clarke, Alec and, Izzy seem to be okay, fine, like if nothing happened, but, Kara...

Oh, Kara... the sweet blonde... the ray of sunshine... the star of National City... our dear Supergirl is right now in bed, lying sideways with the look settled far away... very far...

"I brought you dinner..." Lena says while she puts the tray with food over the night table. The CEO is bringing dinner to the bed since Kara makes clear that she will not leave the bed at all...

"It's potstickers from your favorite restaurant and, I made chocolate cake, you love chocolate!" Lena cheerfully says. And normally, the blonde hero would get excited, thrilled just by the smell of food. But right now, Kara... is... well, she's not herself... and, not even her favorite dish makes her move a finger...

"Kara..." Once again her dear wife tries to reach her with words, summoning her name, over, and over, like a spell that could bring back the ray of sunshine that's Kara, but, no matter how many times Lena says Kara's name, no matter how much food she can bring to her... Kara will not shine... she will show no appetite because after all...

"We lost the baby..." It's the only thing that Kara keeps mumbling like a broken record. Lena sadly sighs, she feels the loss too, she would love to crumble in pain just like Kara, but, someone needs to remain strong. And, the dear Luthor believes it's her turn to save Kara from the darkness of her heart, just like so many times the blonde hero has done it for her before...

The only question is how? How you grieve? How you can smile again? How you survive this kind of pain? Lena has no idea. She's no stranger to pain... pain, oh, that word, that feeling, Lena Luthor knows it too well from a young age: the death of her biological mother, the horrible life she got to live, with the Luthors, the death of Jack...

Yes, Lena has had one's fair share of pain, but, Kara too. The dear Kriptonian lost her parents, her best friend in high school, her aunt Astra... for lord's sake! She even lost her planet! Haven't they suffered enough?! Lena wonders. And, the CEO would love to spare Kara from any pain, she would love to make sure that Kara would never feel the sense of loss again, but, she can't... she couldn't...

Once again, the loss strikes in their lives, and, they have to deal with it... but how? Lena is very smart, but, she is not smart enough to find the right words to make this any better...

"We lost the baby!" Kara says once again, but, this time, she's bursting into tears, with a wrenching, heartbroken voice that shows how broken she feels right now. The girl of steel doesn't seem to be of steel right now. And all what Lena can do for her, it's to hold her, and, let her cry in her arms till she fall asleep...

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