CH 17

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Hello! So, remember, when I write 'Supergirl' that means that Kara is dressed as Supergirl. This is a short chapter, but, hope you like it. I'll make the next one bigger, I promise...

Anyway, thank you in advance if you've the time to leave a review. See U!

CH 17

*** Lena's narrative (voice-over) ***

It's pretty scary to know how quickly time flies...

(At CatCo)

James. - "C'mon guys! Let's welcome our new chairwoman and hero of Catco..."

Everyone applauses to Lena, and, the CEO blushes...

Lena. - "Please, stop it, I'm not any hero..."

Kara. - "Don't say that, Lee! You saved this magazine from being on the hands of that horrible man, Morgan Edge..."

Snapper. - "I'm shocked to say this. But, Ponytail is right, better you than him..."

Kara rolls her eyes, she hates that nickname. And, Lena can see it, so, she politely whispers to Snapper...

Lena. - "I can be a great boss to you, but, if you call my wife 'ponytail' again, I'll be your worst nightmare..."

Snapper is not familiar with Lena, but, if what he has heard about her, it's true, he really doesn't want to piss her off, so, he just nods, and, walks back to his desk. Everyone gets back to work, and, Lena walks into her new office when someone gets in, closing the doors behind her...

Kara smiles, and, blushes. - "You didn't have to do that..."

Lena. - "Do what? Darling..."

The young reporter plays with her glasses, and, Lena smiles, she loves how cute her dear blonde acts when she's nervous...

Kara. - "What you said to Snapper, I'm grateful, but, I don't want especial treatment just because I'm your wife..."

Lena. - "Kara, it's not especial treatment. You know me, I hate bullying, and, if you think that I'm the kind of boss who allows any manager to denigrate any employee, then, you don't know me at all..."

The blonde smiles, she loves how much Lena cares for anyone who works for her, and, this kind of things, it just makes her love her even more, if it's possible. That's why...

Kara presses something that looked like a light switch when she says. - "I hope you don't mind, but, I asked Winn to install something in your office..."

The CEO frowns, she has no clue of what it is till she sees Kara pushing a switch that was on the wall, and then, all the transparent walls get wiped away by digital curtains...

Lena looks at it, and, chuckles. - "Darling, what is this?"

Kara. - "Well, when you will need more privacy, you can put this on. And, no one will be able to see what happens inside this office..."

Lena. - "Darling, I appreciate the gesture, but, I want to be transparent with everyone, here. I'm a Luthor, and, I don't want people to have the wrong impression about me. I have nothing to hide, I don't need this, I..."

Kara pouts. - "Yes, we need these curtains!"

Lena frowns. - "We...?"

Kara sits over the desk, she takes off her glasses, and then, she puts the temple tip of her glasses in her mouth, while she says with a sexy voice. - "We needs the curtains because you need to discipline me, Ms. Luthor..."

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