CH 34

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Love, people constantly say there's no stronger force on Earth than Love. And right now, little Clarke needs to believe it's true. She hasn't left Lexa' side since the little brunette collapsed. It's very late, past her sleeping time, but she has no intention to go anywhere. It doesn't matter how she's constantly trying to keep her eyes open. It doesn't matter how tired she feels. All that matters, it's that her love has to reach Lexa. That's why she's holding Lexa's hand because the big love she feels for her dear Lexa has to be strong enough to save her.

"Clarke, don't grip on her hand so strongly. Your strength, remember...?"

The little blonde snaps out of her trance when she hears the warning of her grandma Eliza. The old Danver was right, Clarke needs to control her emotions because the last thing Lexa needs right now, it's to wake up with a broken hand. Because she's gonna wake up, right? She's gonna be fine, right? Eliza deeply sighs when she hears Clarke's questions. The dear blonde is looking at her with deer's eyes, with pure love, imploring for hope. But, can they really give her that? Can she tell her everything is going to be okay when she doesn't know?

"Clarke, I..."

She can't say it, She can't promise a happy ending because what if the worst happens? What if the little brunette doesn't get better? Eliza doesn't want to be pessimistic, but she cannot ensure how this will go. So, she says nothing because she cannot promise something which is out of her hands. She wishes she could, she definitely wishes she could say Lexa will be fine because after all, she's fond of the little brunette too. How couldn't she? She's Alex's kid, she's her granddaughter too. She's the little girl who always jumps into her arms when she plays a visit to her oldest daugther. The girl who always puts a blanket over her when she falls asleep on the sofa, so she cannot get cold. The little brunette who calls her 'grandma' with nothing more than Love. And, recalling the sweet voice of Lexa, calling for her, it brings tears to Eliza's eyes.


Now, it's Eliza, who's zoning out. Lost on the souvenirs. Yeah, so beautiful memories they have created with little Lexa, so much Love they have for her, and yet, it's heartbroken to even imagine their love is not strong enough to help her. Maybe that's why Eliza doesn't answer Clarke's questions, she just hugs her, hoping the little one will find solace in her arms, just like she's getting it, right now, hugging her.

Sometimes all we need is a hug, a warm embrace can do more good than one thousand words. And, a hug is all Kara can give to her wife right now.

"She's gonna be okay, right, darling? She has to be okay..."

Kara nods, she wishes she could say something more hopeful, but, right now, she can't. Not after seeing the news of Red Daughter. The moment they landed, the first thing which caught their eyes, it was the big news on the big screens of the airport.

'Lex Luthor saves the day!'

It's what all the channels on TV were saying and the couple cannot believe what they were watching. Lex, portrayed as a hero on national TV, was a sick joke. It made Lena sick, but it made her feel even worse to notice how the TV showed an unconscious Red Daughter in the arms of Lex, at his mercy. They played the whole thing on TV, something that no one finds it odd besides Kara and Lena.

"He planned this! Don't you see?! He's playing you all! He wanted the world to see him as a hero and he got it!"

Lena angrily shouts to the TV, and to all the people who were clapping to the 'heroic' act of her brother. This was so messed it up, Lena has no words to describe how angry she feels right now because once again, her manipulative brother is getting away with it and she has no way to stop him. The dear CEO feels so angry at the world for believing in such a poor act. Kara feels angry too, but she feels more sad than angry.

My world           (#supercorp #Kara & Lena)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin