CH 22

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Hi, trying to make it up with you, with a double update ^^. this chapter will start some days after the previous one. Lena will put more attention to her family. We will see the arrival of some new villains, just like in season 4 of the tv show. I'll not do everything exactly the same way, but even then, I hope you like it... see u soon!

*** Lena narrative (voice-over) ***

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and, hate leads to...

TV news. - "Another brawl happened yesterday when aliens tried to manifest, demanding to be recognized as citizens..."

(Pictures of people fighting, cars on fire)

Reporter. - "The president is trying to put in place a new amnesty to deal with all the aliens that are now on our planet. The senators are supposed to vote about it this week, so, we can expect more alterations on the streets, till the voting is done. The anti-alien movement is getting stronger than ever..."

Lena was serving cereal to little Clarke when the news start to show an anti-alien meeting, and, how an old man takes control of the mike to speak his mind...

Mr. Lockwood says on TV. - "They come from out the space, they take our jobs, they take our culture, they hurt us..." (He shows images of Reigh, and, the Daxamite invasion) "A wave of destruction! That's what they are!"

People yell on TV. - "Yeah!"

On TV, his son, Ben Lockwood says. - "Dad, please, let's go, we should..."

Mr. Lockwood pushes his son away, and, says to the crowd. - "We should do something to get free of those aliens!"

People yell on TV. - "Yeah!"

The crowd is encouraging him to keep talking, and, Ben decides to let him speak his mind. Maybe with this, he will stop being so angry all the time, that's what he wants to believe...

Mr. Lockwood says on TV. - "We don't need them! We don't need them to be our heroes!" (He shows pictures of Supergirl, of Superman, and, all the destruction that happens when they fight when he says) "We don't need them to fight our battles, destroying our cities!"

People yell on TV. - "Yeah!"

If humanity didn't need Supergirl, Lena would be the happiest person in the world because that would mean that Kara could be just Kara, and, she would be safe at home, not taking any unnecessary risk as Supergirl...

Mr. Lockwood says on TV. - "We can protect us, ourselves! We don't need Supergirl!"

Lena mumbles. - "Believe me, no one more than I wish that was true..."

Kara approaches with Alec and little Lizzy on her arms when she asks. - "Did you say something, Lee?"

Lena. - "Just that breakfast is ready..."

Kara smiles, she kisses Lena's cheek, and, puts the kids in place. The Super and the kids, they all look at the food like hungry puppies, sparking in the face of food. And, Lena chuckles with such a view, it's in time like these that there's no doubt that the kids have Kara's DNA...

Little Clarke was finishing her cereal when she gets curious to see what the TV is showing up, and, she couldn't have chosen a worse moment to watch the TV because the news show how a gang of angry humans, driven by Mr. Lockwood speech, throw stones in a family of aliens... kids like her get hurt...

Mr. Lockwood says on TV. - "We'll root out the invaders! None alien will be safe!"

Ben Lockwood believes that this is getting out of control, so, he pulls down the mike, and, drags his father out of the meeting...

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