CH 21

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Hi, sorry for the delay, time flies. But, hope you're still on this story with me, 'cause this is far to end...

*** Lena's narrative (voice-over) ***

We can't help it, but, we take for granted so many things... so many people...

(At Lena's Lab)

Lena. - "Darling, what brings you here, today? Something wrong?"

The CEO asks while she keeps looking through the microscope...

Supergirl pouts with the arms crossed over her chest. - "Yes! There's something really wrong!"

The demanding pout of the blonde, it catches Lena's attention, the raven-haired woman pulls away from her work in her lab, she focuses on looking at the adorable blonde who's doing the most adorable pout that Lena has ever seen...

Supergirl pouts. - "How are we supposed to make more babies if you stay all day long here, in your lab, working?!"

Lena gasps, flush all over her porcelain cheeks...

Supergirl gets closer to the CEO, and, says. - "On Xmas, due to your research, you got late, you missed Xmas dinner, and, you said that you would do whatever I want, to make it up with me... you said whatever I want..."

Lena nervously chuckles. - "Yes, but, I was thinking about... I don't know... uhmmm... something to eat, or, the DVD of a musical you like..."

Supergirl pouts. - "Well, you thought it wrong! I want another baby!"

Lena gulps. - "Darling, we already have 3 kids..."

Supergirl makes puppy eyes, and, says. - "But, I want more..."

Lena raises an eyebrow. - "More...?"

Supergirl nods, she looks like a puppy getting excited, sparking. It's adorable, really, but, Lena is already struggling so much with her busy schedule; family, work, her new research on the Harun-El. She has barely time to sleep.

Lena can't add another baby to the mix, especially when her research is top secret, no one knows about it, just her new assistant, Eve, and, Lena wants to keep it like that, at least till she gets reluctant results on what she's trying to achieve, but, how can she explain it to this adorable, blonde puppy without hurting Kara's feelings?

The blonde hero is staring at Lena, like if Lena was the sun, making it harder for Lena to say that she doesn't have the time for making more babies right now, that she can't fulfill Kara's wishes now... but...

Supergirl. - "We do make very cute, adorable babies... don't you think?"

Lena. - "Of course, we do! Our kids are the best..."

Supergirl holds Lena's hands, and, says with a big smile. - "Then, lets make more!"

Lena chuckles, she pulls back, walking away, when she says. - "Darling, making babies, it's not like baking a cake..." (she grabs a tablet, and, says while she looks at it) "You can't just say 'let's cook it, and, wait for it to be ready..."

Supergirl sadly sighs, and, Lena looks up at it, she gets angry with herself for crushing her wife's expectations like this, so...

Lena promises. - "Later, darling..."

Supergirl. - "Later?"

Lena. - "Yes, later, darling. There's no rush. We have all the time in the world to expand our family..."

The CEO puts down the tablet, she walks towards the blonde, and, says when she softly caresses Kara's cheek. - "Let me finish what I'm doing here. And, I promise you, that we will make as many babies as you want... just, not right now..."

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