CH 10

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Hi again, thank you for liking this, it really makes me happy to read what you think about each chapter and this story. So, this chapter will start after the previous one. Lena will reach Alex and tells her about the situation. I hope it's clear...

Here the new chapter of this story, thank you in advance if you've the time to leave a review...

(At L-corp)

Alex. - "I can't believe this..."

Lena takes a deep breath, she drinks from her glass and turns her look away, she can't see Alex in the eyes...

Alex. - "I should have been here, I..."

Lena. - "Don't blame yourself, if there's someone to blame, it's me... Rhea went after Kara because of me..."

The CEO is thirst of blood, she's so angry, angry with herself, angry with Rhea, angry with everything. So angry, that she brakes the glass she has in her hand...

Alex. - "You're bleeding..."

Lena sighs. - "Yeah..."

Alex puts pressure on Lena's hand, and, she says. - "We will figure out how to save her, we will bring her back, we..."

Lena cuts her off. - "I've to build that portal. That will bring Kara back..."

Alex wants to say something, but, her mouth just stays open when someone else gets in Lena's office...

Mon-El. - "You can't open that portal!"

Alex. - "Mon-El? What...?"

Mon-El cuts her off. - "I sneaked into my mom ship, and, I..." (deep breath) "She's planning an invasion..."

Alex. - "WHAT?!"

Mon-El. - "Lena, if you give her that portal, you're dooming your world to a horrible end..."

Alex gulps hard, she wants Kara back, but, as an agent of the DEO, she has to put the well-being of the planet as her priority. But, Lena doesn't share the same perspective...

Mon-El. - "The portal can't be finished"

Lena says with a bitter voice. - "And, how do you suggest we get Kara back without it...?!"

Mon-El presses his lips together, he has no clue how to fight against his own mother...

Alex. - "We will find a way. We always do, I'll talk to John, I..." (She sees Lena walking away and frowns) "Lena...?"

Lena stands in the door and says. - "You do what you need to do, and, I'll do the same..."

Alex. - "Lena, you can't build that portal! You'll put the entire humanity at risk, you..."

Lena snaps. - "I'll bring Kara back..." (She says with a lethal gaze) "No matter what..."

Mon-El gulps hard, he's getting chills from Lena...

Alex says with a serious voice. - "Kara's my sister, I promised to always protect her. But, as an agent of the DEO, I've the duty to protect this world too..."

Lena. - "My world is Kara. And, I'll get my world back..."

Alex. - "Even if it's at the expenses of the rest of the world?!"

Lena doesn't reply, she just looks at Alex in the eyes, and, both strong women know that they're on opposite sides right now...

Alex. - "I'll not let you do it, Lena..."

Lena says with a mocking voice. - "The question is not if you let me, Alex. The real question is: can you really stop me...?"

Alex pleads while she puts her hand over her gun. - "Lena... don't force me to..."

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