Chapter 13 - The Return of Broccoli Boi

Start from the beginning

"By the way why are you still here? I thought all students were told they can go home after everything that happened in the USJ?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, still taking smaller sips of my energy drink. Upon hearing my question Amajiki's eyes widened and he began pulling at his collar awkwardly, avoiding my gaze.

"W-we were... but I-I wanted to make sure you were okay..." he trailed off, a pink blush covering his cheeks and nose.

"Aww Amajiki, that's so sweet!" I smile pulling him into a loose hug. I swear this kid is too precious for this world! Amajiki's face exploded in a scarlett blush as he gently wrapped his arms around me still shaking slightly.

"Tamaki." He whispered softly.

"Huh?" I asked pulling away from the hug and tilting my head slightly.

"You... you can call me Tamaki" he mumbled trying hard not to make eye contact.

"Okay Tamaki! Well I should probably get back to the infirmary and you should head home before your parents start to worry!" I say ruffling his hair with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll-I'll see you around Kimi. Get home safe!" Tamaki said offering a small smile back.

I was feeling a lot more energised on my way back to the infirmary and the deserted corridors no longer felt menacing. The feeling of comfort sinking back into my body and putting me at ease.
As I rounded the corner I spotted a worried Broccoli pacing in front of the infirmary door and muttering to himself.

"Hey Midoriya, knew I'd be seeing you again. Though I hoped it wouldn't be this soon, were you one of the students at the USJ?" I asked watching him jump and turn his head sharply in my direction, clearly not expecting anyone to be wandering the UA corridors.

"Miss K- I mean Kimiko!" He exclaimed as I sent him a playful glare.

"Yeah, I was at the USJ..." he muttered looking at the infirmary door again. His fists were clenched tightly and his eyes swirled with a mixture of sorrow and determination.

"You're not hurt are you? I thought you kids made it out okay!" I ask rushing towards him slightly panicked.

"No, no I'm fine really! I just wanted to see All Might... he was pretty badly injured in the attack" he exclaimed mumbling the last part and gazing back at the door like a sad puppy.

"Don't worry kid! I treated him myself, that's why I needed the sport drink" I say shaking the bottle in my hand slightly "he'll be completely fine, he just needs to rest for a bit. I can see if he is ready for a visitor if you want?" I ask not wanting him to walk in when All Might would most likely still be in his weakened form.

"Oh yes please. Thank you Kimiko!" He exclaims bowing multiple times making me let out a light chuckle.

"No problem, wait here kiddo" I smile walking into the infirmary and closing the door incase he catches a glimpse of 'Small Might'.

"Hey All Might, you have a visitor! He didn't bring flowers but he looks pretty worried about you. I think he's one of your students? Midoriya?" I say watching him sigh softly.

"I knew he'd come, send him in. It's okay if he sees me in my weakened form, he has seen me like this before." He replies with a faint smile at my shocked face. This kid knew about All Might's secret? I knew he was one to watch!

"Okay but you are so spilling the tea on that kid tomorrow Mr!" I say lightly watching Recovery Girl treating what looks to be a mummy in another bed. I quickly poke my head out the door and usher Midoriya in watching him rush to All Might and instantly burst into tears.
I then meander over to Recovery Girl with a quizzical look.

"Umm Recovery Girl... who is this?" I ask gesturing to the, most likely unconscious person wrapped completely in bandages.

"Aizawa. He came in a few minutes after All Might in terrible condition. But he should make a full recovery. He fought the villains by himself until the rest of the staff showed up... any longer and I don't want to think of what would have happened." She sighed placing a final kiss between the bandages on his right temple.

I gasped at the thought of Eraserhead fighting a group of villains solo. I know he is skilled in combat but when pitted against multiple foes who may have physical-type quirks, it was clear to see why he was in his current condition.

"Is there anything I can do?" I ask, my eyes glued to the unconscious pro-hero.

"Go home and get some rest. You can help treat him in the morning dearie. It's been a long day and I don't want you over exhorting yourself. I've lectured Toshinori about it and I don't mind telling you off as well!" She said as she patted me on the back.

"You don't have to tell me twice! I'll see you tomorrow, have a lovely evening, take care!" I smile making my way towards the door and starting the long journey home.

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