Chapter 57 - A tissue a tissue, we all fall down

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Kimi's POV

Having stumbled home with a heavily intoxicated Keigo at around 1am, I was somewhat shocked that I woke up so early. The sun had begun to rise over the mossy lawn out front, casting a pale green glow over the bed. Keigo lay in a mess of feathers and drool with his usually tousled hair defying gravity, a sight I had grown fond of over the past year.

I moved quietly into the kitchen, careful not to wake him up and began to make breakfast and feed my other feathered baby, Peanut. I've never been more thankful for not drinking. If I did I may not have remembered everything that happened last night and I wanted it to be burnt into my memories. Keigo and I had continued to sing throughout the evening, dueting 'I got you babe', 'You're the one that I want' and finishing with 'Fly me to the moon'. By the end of the night Keigo was drunk and my throat was on fire. But we made it back and having to convince a drunken Keigo to go to sleep when he wanted to 'show me how much he loves me' was admittedly a lot funnier than it should have been. The memory of his uncoordinated mind thinking the bed was closer than it actually was and face planting onto the floor made me smile into my teacup.

"Babybird, there you are..." Keigo groaned, wrapping his arms around me from behind and snuggling his face into the crook of my neck.

"I didn't think you'd be awake this early. How do you feel?" I asked playing with his golden locks.

"I woke up and you weren't there so I came to find you and force you to cuddle me. My head is killing me ... I need kisses." He said against my neck, placing a small kiss against it to prove a point.

"You need aspirin." I smirked handing him two pills and a glass of water, being the ever prepared lady that I am.

"Thanks Songbird." He pouted, taking the pills before pulling me back towards our bedroom.

"Nope. Not today mister." I smiled, removing his hands from my waist.

"I have to go to the hospital for the tissue sample remember?" Keigo pouted once more, his bottom lip jutting out in displeasure.

"Aww can't we cuddle for a little longer? I'll fly you there?" He bargained, his voice still husky from sleep.

"You still have alcohol in your system. Never ever drink and fly." I mock in my most professional voice, a little too loudly judging by Keigo's flinch.

"Okay baby, but tell me if you want me to pick you up alright? I think I'm going to head back to bed and sleep off the hangover. Please don't let me drink that much again." He groaned before pulling me into a hug.

"No promises there but I'll see you when I get back Birdy. Love you." I smile kissing his forehead and watching his sleepy face grin lightly.

"Love you too songbird."

*** Time Skip ***

"Ah you're awake. How are you feeling Kimi?" Taku Shinso asked as I blinked, the blurry world around me slowly coming into focus.

"Peeeee?" I grumble out lazily.

"You ... need the bathroom?" He asked as I tried to shake my head.


"You want ... peanuts?" He asked torn between confusion and amusement.

"No no. Peanut is her parrot. I think she's still a little out of it. Don't worry Kimi, Peanut is fine. The anesthesia is still wearing off so you'll be feeling a little funny for a little while." Umi smiled at me, clutching a clip board tightly.

"Well you're awake and with that I'd say you're off to a flying start ... you know ... because you mentioned your parrot ... and parrots fly?" Taku explained with a lazy smile.

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