Chapter 49 - This is why we don't commit robbery

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Kimi's POV

When I woke up the next day it turned out to already be the afternoon. Something about questioning your entire existence makes it difficult to sleep soundlessly. Touya really wants us to be together again. Though he wants me to join the League of Villians in order for that to happen. Even if I had never met Keigo, I don't think I could just drop everything in my life to run away with him. I loved him and a part of me still does I suppose. But I'm not going to throw away my morals and values just to be with Touya. He once meant everything to me. But I have my own life, my own views of the world and they don't correspond with the League of Villians ideology. As much as I love Harley Quinn I'm not about to become her.

"Hey sleepy head! I brought you some clothes, they're mine so they should fit better than Kurogiri's!  By the way this is Big Sis Mag, I told you about her remember?"

I looked up to be met with the smiling face of Toga in her signature school attire. Come to think of it, I highly doubt she attends school with her being a member of the League, so why does she always wear that? Beside her stood a tall red haired woman in a bright Hawaiian shirt.

"Oh hello, it's nice to meet you! Thanks for the clothes Toga." I smiled trying to hide my discomfort. As friendly as they both looked, they were members of the League of Villians, not to mention Toga asked for a sample of my blood the first time we met.

"Oh honey Toga has told me all about you, you're going to fit in perfectly here!" Mag smiled as Toga nodded enthusiastically, though I was somewhat intrigued as to what Toga told her about me considering the fact we only met yesterday.

"Thanks ... umm I'll get changed into these and see you both in a bit yeah?" I asked hoping they would not notice my eagerness for their departure.

"Of course! We'll be in the front bar when you're done!" Toga smiled as she skipped out taking Mag with her and leaving me with the change of clothes. I have to think of a plan soon. I haven't officially told them that I would join but they seem to be trusting me a lot more than they trust Bakugou. That should make it easier to escape, or at least to help Bakugou escape. I quickly changed into the red skirt and black blouse that Toga had left me, awkwardly slipping on the black over the knee socks and chunky school shoes. It wasn't the worst outfit in the world but it was far too short for my liking. God, I miss my knitted cardigans.

I made my way into the front bar and greeted Kurogiri with a smile before taking a seat beside Toga and Mag who were perched on the bar stools sipping what looked to be orange juice.

"Hello, thanks for the clothes Toga." I say happily accepting the orange juice Kurogiri politely passed to me.

"You're welcome Miko! Ow they look so cute on you!" Toga said with a giddy laugh clasping my hands tightly and giving me a closed eyed smile. It was kind of sad, in any other case I'm sure Toga and I would have been friends. She seems like a sweet girl, if not a little unstable.

"Big sis and I were just talking about boys! I have a crush on Izuku Midoriya. He goes to UA but he is just so cute! Oh when I seen him covered in blood ... he was so beautiful. It's destiny I tell you!"

I felt myself gulp nervously. Poor Midoriya. The League abducted Bakugou because they took an interest in him, I just hope they don't do the same to Midoriya.

"Well? Do you?" Toga asked breaking me out of my internal monologue.

"Umm yeah?" I almost asked unsure of the question but not wanting to give away that I wasn't listening.

"Epppp I knew it! I knew she had a crush didn't I big sis?! Who is it? Is it Tomura? Dabi?" She asked excitedly. Oh shit.

"Hey. New girl. Your services are required." Touya rasped from behind me. Thank God this was about to get awkward.

"Speak of the devil. We're finishing this conversation later Miko!" Toga called as I stood up and left with Touya to one of the back rooms though I kept my eyes on her nervously.

"Oh my God! What the hell happened to you?" I gasped when I finally looked down at the large red stain across Touya's abdomen. I managed to get him onto the bed and lift up his tank top only to see a bullet lodged in his heavily scarred lower torso.

"Robbery gone wrong. It'll be fine just do your thing doll." He winced as I moved his hands to apply pressure to the wound. Why did he say that so easily? Robbery is not a hobby!

"I need some alcohol and tweezers." I said more so to myself than to Touya. I had dealt with a lot of injuries over my years in the medical team but bullet wounds were few and far between at UA.

"There's whiskey in the cupboard over there and tweezers in the cabinet over the sink." Touya mumbled, his eyes shut tightly.

"Good to know you pluck your eyebrows" I said with a smile trying to lighten the mood as I grabbed the whiskey bottle and tweezers as well as some painkillers and a small towel which also sat in the cabinet.

"Oh yeah, can't you tell I take my looks very seriously doll?" He smirked before letting out a faint hiss of pain.

"I use them when I need to get broken glass out of my skin, or whatever else is lodged in there after a job." He said with a forced chuckle as I began to clean the area. A job. The words made me numb. Is this really what is life had become? The man I loved was full of hopes and dreams for the future and yet here I was watching up his bullet wound. I shook the thoughts from my mind and tried to concentrate on the task in front of me. Luckily it was a clean wound and the bullet wasn't stuck too deep. Stitches may have been needed but my quirk alone should be able to heal him up without any lasting damage.

"Yeah I thought so, guess the needle and thread isn't you taking up sewing either? I'm going to remove the bullet okay so this might hurt." I warned watching him take a swig of the whiskey that I had intended to sterilize the wound with.

"Yeah got it - ahh fuck ... you weren't kidding" he hissed out as I managed to pull out the bullet and dab the alcohol onto the flesh wound.

"So you thought anymore about my offer doll?" He whispered as I activated my quirk and began to heal him. To be honest I had thought of it. The alternative life I could lead with him. Literal partners in crime. But what about Keigo, Shoto, my mom, my dad, everyone at UA? As much as I want Touya in my life, I can't give up everyone else for that to happen.

"I spent years of my life waiting for you Touya. Years praying that you would come back-"

"I know doll and I'm so sorry for that! You deserved better but this doesn't have to be the end of us. We can be together, just like we always planned!" He said with determination, slowly sitting up as his wound closed and pale skin took it's place.

"Somehow I dont remember the League of Villians being in our plans." I snort watching him smile slightly in return.

"It would never work Touya ... you know that. Besides ... I love Keigo and I'm not about to give up on him." I mumble watching him look down but clasp my hand tightly.

"Never say never, right doll?" He whispered, looking up at me with electric blue eyes and cupping my cheek with a cold hand. We stared at one another for what felt like forever, the world around us falling silent. Touya began to lean in, his eyes flickering down to my lips. This can't happen, not again. Just as I was about to pull back a loud knock responded through the building coming from the front door of the bar.

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