Chapter 17 -Why Can't We Be Friends

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Kimi's POV

I have been unable to stop thinking about my Halloween with Hawks. It's been so long since I've felt so giddy and yet so comfortable with someone. I feel like a love struck teenager again, especially with the constant texts and calls from Hawks, or Keigo as I have started calling him.

As much as I love talking to him, I found myself locking my phone away in my bag whilst at work in a weak attempt to stay focused and not day dream about the flirty winged hero.

Recovery Girl however was far too sharp minded for her own good and started asking about my previous date with who she had deemed my "mystery man". I told her about his personality, purposefully leaving out his name, and she seemed over joyed at how happy I was. I don't know why I'm not telling her his name. I didn't even tell my own mother! I don't want to make things awkward if we do end things, given that he is a top hero and I work alongside pros everyday it might make things awkward. But a small part of me still feels guilty. He isn't Touya, and moving on with someone new has left me feeling elated and guilty all at the same time. I know I have nothing to feel guilty about but memories of my Touya swam through my mind and the idea of betraying him made my heart hurt.

"How are things at the hospital?" Recovery Girl asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh we actually had a bit of a break through. Kenji found a way to use my plasma to neutralise traces of HIV in blood. Though he's still running tests so we don't know how it'll work on an actual person." I smile thinking back to the exciting moment. Kenji has been in touch asking for more blood samples which I have happily provided. The thought of my quirk being able to make a real difference filled me with hope. It would be like being a real hero in a way.

"That's-that's amazing Kimi! I never liked that Kenji, but you can't deny he is a genius." Recover Girl said with unsettled admiration. Kenji always had a way of putting people on edge. Whether it was the unintentional insults or the eclectic collection of My Little Pony pins, he was not exactly what you would call a well liked guy.

Just as I was about to reply a polite knock was heard from the infirmary doors. "Excuse me, could I speak to Miss Kita please?" Asked Shoto with a slight bow. Damn why does he sound so formal?

"Ah young Todoroki, of course." Recovery Girl smiled whispering to me about how well mannered the young boy was. I happily skipped out of the room closing the door beside me before turning to Shoto with a lopsided smile.

"Alright, you can drop the 'Miss Kita' act kiddo. What's up?" I say ruffling his hair which he soon corrects.

"It's lunch and I was hoping I could spend it with you. I don't exactly have companions to share it with." He muttered out shuffling his feet awkwardly.

"Of course I will! How could I resist spending time with my little brother?" I say before popping back to the infirmary to grab my purse and tell Recovery Girl where I was going.

"Do want to tell me why you haven't made any friends yet?" I ask as we walk down the corridor towards the cafeteria.

"I'm not here to make friends." He said in a hushed voice only to let out a small "oof" as I gave him a light hit on the back of his head.

"That's your dad talking Sho. You're just a kid, you should be allowed to act like one when your still at school. Trust me it only gets worse once you leave." I say in my 'grown up' voice.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and a tiny smirk on his face.

"Just sharing my pearls of wisdom young Shoto" I smile back a slight bow for added flair.

I Loved You First (Dabi X OC X Hawks)Where stories live. Discover now