Please Don't Leave Us (July 2011)

Start from the beginning

Harry laughs mockingly, looking at Camryn in disbelief. "Yeah for sure, I'll go to management and go 'hey is it okay if I don't show up to half of the shows? Yeah, I know I'm like 1/5 of the band, but I just need to miss a bunch of the shows'. Yeah that will work. I already told you, you and Darcy can come with me on tour."

Camryn's voice wavers, "I don't know if I can handle that Harry." Her and Harry have never fought like this before ever and it's scaring her. They've been together since they were thirteen and she has never heard Harry raise his voice at her before. Sure, they've been angry before and gotten mad at each other, but they always seem to calm themselves before it gets too bad.

Harry leans his elbows on the counter next to the sink and puts his hands over his face, "Camryn, I understand, but that's not my fault. This is my job, Cam. This is how I provide for you and Darcy."

"I know,"Camryn begins, she sniffles and tries to regain her composure so she doesn't scare Darcy any further. Darcy looks up at Camryn with her big blue curious eyes and her little lips suck on her pacifier. "I'm so grateful you work so hard, but I just need you to help me. How am I suppose to finish school without your help watching Darcy?"

Harry counters, "For the hundredth time, my mum can come down and stay with you and help-"

"Harry-"Camryn interrupts, realizing that he isn't understanding what she's trying to say. He doesn't understand that the reason she cares so much that he's going to be gone for so long is because he's her home and she doesn't know what she's going to do without him.

"Camryn! I'm done talking about this! We've been arguing about this for the past month and I'm so done!"Harry yells as he turns around to face Camryn. In his anger induced haze, he forgot that he was holding a pan that he was washing in his hand and it is now pointed at Camryn.

Camryn sucks in a scared breath and jumps back from Harry, gripping Darcy to her chest, "Please don't hurt her."

Harry looks at the pan in his hand and his heart drops. "Camryn. I-" He sets the pan down into the sink and looks back at Camryn. She's shaking with silent tears running down her face. He's never seen her clutch Darcy so hard. She has a protective hand over the back of Darcy's head to shield her. "Cami, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you or point that at you. I would never touch either of you. You guys are my girls. I love you both so much. I'm so sorry."

Camryn cowers away from Harry as he takes a step towards her, reaching out for her. Harry shakes his head, on the verge of regretful tears and drops his hands, stepping away from Camryn to give her a bit of space.

"Are you going to leave?"Camryn sniffles, feebly looking up at Harry as Darcy begins to whine against Camryn's grip.

"Baby, no no,"Harry softens his gaze as he realizes why this ordeal has made Camryn so scared.

Harry and Camryn had been friends for about a month when he first saw a massive bruise on her stomach. He questioned her about it but she insisted that she had just fallen down from a tree she was climbing. It took another four months and a huge bruise shown off by her bikini at the beach to get the whole Styles family concerned about Camryn's wellbeing. However, it took another couple of minutes from that time for Camryn to finally relent and tell him about her stepfather. How he would drink too much and get mad at the littlest things. And then take it out on her. How she was used to it by now, it had been happening since she was two, when her biological father left her and her mom.

Harry had begged her to let him tell his parents. She promised him that it would be worse if they knew. The abuse would get worse. Harry very unwillingly obliged but made her promise to tell him whenever her father had attacked her. When they were 15 Camryn's stepfather died in a drunk driving accident. That left Camryn with just her mom. Although she didn't ever hit Camryn, she resented Camryn and was very emotionally abusive to her. Camryn didn't blame her too much, after all Camryn wasn't the only one who was on the receiving end of her father's blows.

"Camryn, baby I'm not going to leave,"Harry frowns at her fear and feels his heart crumble to his stomach with guilt, he looks at Darcy and sees her tears running down her face which makes him break anymore. The fact that he has scared both of his girls makes him sick and he almost goes to dry heave into the sink. "I promise I'm not going to leave. I was just angry. I would never leave you guys. I'm sorry, Cami. I didn't mean to scare you, I'm so so sorry."

"I know, I'm sorry. I overreacted" Camryn takes shaky breaths as she shushes Darcy in her arms, "it's just because of my dad, I just get scared when people yell."

"Baby, don't apologize,"Harry says putting his hands in his back pockets, "You have nothing to apologize for. I shouldn't have yelled. I'm sorry."

Camryn nods her head and wipes the tears off of her cheeks, "I just know I'm going to miss you so much when you're gone."

Harry looks at her, his eyes filling with tears, "I'm going to miss you too." He steps towards Camryn slowly to make sure his presence is alright. "Can I have a hug?" Camryn walks into his open arms, smushing Darcy between them. Harry holds Camryn, one hand over her head and the other on her back as she cries into his chest.

"Cami, will you please come on tour with me? You and Darce? Please babe? Then we won't have to be apart,"Harry begs with his cheek on top of Camryn's head.

"I don't know Haz, you know how anxious I get being away from home,"Camryn sniffles as she rubs her hand up and down Darcy's back.

"I know, but you'll be with me. I'll help you with whatever you need to feel better,"Harry counters gently.

"Okay, I'll think about it,"Camryn mumbles looking up at Harry. Her cheeks are stained with dried tears and her eyes are bloodshot.

"Thank you baby,"Harry whispers bringing his hand to cup her chin. He kisses her, parting her lips with his. "I love you so much. I'm so sorry I got angry."

"I love you too,"Camryn murmurs bringing her lips back to his, "thank you for being such a good boyfriend and daddy. I'm sorry I sounded ungrateful. I'm so grateful for all you do for us."

Harry grins at Camryn's words and reaches for Darcy. "Hi, lovebug." He lifts Darcy up in front of his face so that her eyes are level with his. "I love you so much. Are you gonna come with mummy on tour?" Harry sticks out his tongue at Darcy which causes her to give out a precious baby giggle. Camryn laughs and hugs herself tighter to Harry.

"I love my girls,"Harry says as he hugs Darcy to his chest with Camryn putting her arms around Darcy too, "so so much."



Writing this one made me a little sad ngl! Thank you for reading!! Love you all!! MWAH!

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