Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.22

Start from the beginning

"Un." Cheng Bi Yu and Zhou Tong turned to each other the two with rush steps headed towards Magistrate Zheng's courtyard not even sparing a second.

By the looks of it Zheng Yong was conversing with man in boastful purple robes who had his back turned to them. "Advisor Tang, Officer Zhou-" the man turns around Cheng Bi Yu's
suspicions were right, "..This is Magistrate Ping-" Zheng Yong introduced in a forced manner.

Magistrate Ping walks towards them, "It is nice to finally meet you lads. Now that we'll be working together I wish us success,"  Magistrate Ping despite his age was a tall man with a sturdy build although his face had long lost his youthful glamor it was still good looking. His  hair was black with a few visible white strikes proving his age his black official hat
was neatly secured on the to of his head.

Magistrate Ping then leaves heading back to his Green Paradise manor not sparing a glance back at Jiang Court entering his manor the veteran tiger dropped his facade ordering his spies back.

"..When did he arrive?-" Zhou Tong asks Zheng Yong who unfazed replied, "..Just awhile ago His Majesty was adamant on having him overlook the case," Zheng Yong advises, "..Since His  Majesty has sent his puppet we'll play his strings, we'll be cooperative and efficient but never let your guard down around him that old snake came here to stir up trouble,"

"Yes Magistrate-" They both go to leave, "Ying Jie you stay," Cheng Bi Yu reluctantly steps back turning she carefully approached curious of his sudden decision.

Zheng Yong  holds out his injured hand Cheng Bi Yu eyebrows wrinkled as she looked on perplexed Zheng Yong clears his throat then exclaims smoothly, "..You hadn't finished dressing my wound earlier. I want you to finish the task-"

'Wasn't it you who was bitter towards my help earlier? Just what are you up to?!-'  Cheng Bi Yu brushed her thoughts aside, "Sure," she kneels tending to the wound she intensionally applies pressure to his wound.

Zheng Yong hissed he fiercely glares at Cheng Bi Yu who ignores him, 'Humph! That's what you get for shouting at me earlier you jerk!-'

"...Forgive my ignorance Magistrate Zheng I'll be careful this time," Cheng Bi Yu batted her eyelashes her eccentric orbs looking back at him.

"Mhmm-" Zheng Yong grunts turning away. Cheng Bi Yu proceeds wrapping the thick cloth around his injured hand she finishes it off with a cute little knot. Zheng Yong draws his hand back examining it, yes the wrapping was a bit loose but it was secure, " ...I'll leave now-" Cheng Bi Yu stands retreating backwards.

Zheng Yong couldn't take his eyes off his wrapped hands or forget the feeling of his Advisor's short slender fingers touching his hand leaving little shocks of tingles here and there he undoubtedly smiled gliding his fingers over the small knot she had tied. Zheng Yong felt this strange feeling in his chest his heart was beating fast his face was all hot, '-Do I have a fever?' He wondered.

Mei-Liang who had just collected water from the well heading towards the kitchen she accidentally stumbles colliding into Zhou Tong on instinct
he quickly reaches out his hand.

His arm is now firmly snaked around her waist keeping her steady, "..Mei-Liang are you alright?-" holding the bucket tightly she mouths her eyes downcast, "..I'm sorry I got you all wet. Please forgive my clumsiness Officer Zhou-" Zhou Tong chuckles gently flicking her forehead Mei-Liang looks up at him confused, "..You shouldn't get all worked up over silly things. You should hurry and change before you catch a cold-"

This was the first time Mei-Liang had really noticed Zhou Tong his laughter  was like music to her ears it was so contagious so intoxicating she wanted to hear it as often as she could. Zhou Tong's robe was partially drenched his hair too was wet.

Cheng Bi Yu a bystander cleared her throat, "Hem-" catching the eyes of the two who immediately dispersed, "Advisor, Master-" there was a red tinge visible on Mei-Liang's cheeks Zhou Tong was also embarrassed but he looked more composed.

Folding her arms behind her back she smiles walking up to them, "...So what happened here?-" she sharply eyes the two obviously flustered youths,
"..It was my mistake had miscalculated my steps hence I accidentally collided into Officer Zhou here-" Mei-Liang explains fidgety from the cold wind which blew against her soaked robe.

Cheng Bi Yu cocks her brow, "..Then you better get changed before you catch a nasty cold. Your failing health won't benefit anyone-"

"Right away, Master!-" Mei-Liang spares a glance at Zhou Tong before running off. The two watched her retreating figure, "..You should go ahead too," Zhou Tong shook his head, "-No need it's not a problem if I'm wet,"

"-But it is a problem if you get sick as you won't be able to be of assistance to Magistrate Zheng," Cheng Bi Yu brought forth a valid point she smiled sweetly resting her hand on his shoulder, "..You should hurry then,"

"Mei-Liang tell me honestly, what do you think of Officer Zhou?.." Cheng Bi Yu lays her head on Mei-Liang's lap eating grapes, "...Why do you suddenly ask this question my lady?-"

"..It's obvious that you like him-" she lightly teased, "..I guess our Mei Mei's heart isn't made of stone after all. You were blushing so hard I felt shy-"

Mei-Liang opens her mouth ready to deny this claim, "..Don't get me wrong my lady Officer Zhou and I are just acquaintances besides due to my status there can be nothing between us-"

Cheng Bi Yu sits up almost choking on a grape, "..Don't be ridiculous if you wanted I would go out right now and arrange a marriage between you two." She exclaims, ".. I mean Officer Zhou would be an idiot if he rejects  my sweet maid," she teases tickling her side a little. Mei-Liang faintly smiles at her, "..I'm already contempt being by Miss's side. It's getting late my lady we should retire to our beds now,"

"You're right," Cheng Bi Yu lifts from the floor. Meanwhile in the south wing, "Achoo," Zhou Tong wildly  sneezes, 'I've already changed could I have already gotten a cold?-" he walks over closing his window blocking out the cold.

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