From what I heard, there are two more in the kitchen team to come and help out during the weekends or when some of the staff is on holiday, as also for behind the bar.

But Evans is right I'm the only girl in the team. Apparently, Jimmy was worried a girl would cause too much trouble in the team, or couldn't deal with some of the rough guys that come here, but he felt different about me. He says he thinks I'm tough enough to handle the guys because I have a different attitude to most girls.

Honestly, I don't know whether to like that part or not, as I do think it's kind of sexist. But at the moment I'm fine with no other girl bickering at me. Seriously I can handle guys better than girls, it's always been that way, besides Emi.

It doesn't take long until the small place is packed. We move fast behind the bar and try to keep up with the orders as fast as we possibly can. As we are in Oxford there are plenty of students in here too, a lot of them try flirting with me. Harmless flirts which help me gain more tips too.

Evans moves closer to me, one hand landing on my lower back while whispering in my ear. "I told you you'll be getting a lot of tips, hot girl. Poor guys not knowing they haven't got a slightest chance with you", I see him smirk.

"You watching me?", I give him a smirk back.

"Hey this is a small area, naturally I will catch on. But even besides yes, I am like every other guy in this room. Luckily, I can say, I've been the only one in this room to have been in your bed", he snickers.

"You fucking twat, you are going to use that against me for a long time, aren't you?", I try to stay serious while nudging him, but can't hold back a laugh.

"You got it Statement girl", he says with a wink, while he grabs for the fresh pint glass right in front of me.

"You haven't texted me about the homework yet", I hear an angry voice coming from right in front of the bar.

I look up and roll my eyes automatically. Evans looks back and forth between the two of us.

"We have been set into teams to do homework together. And I was supposed to text him about day and time", I explain.

"Oh", is all Evans says before he leaves.

"Why is it, that you have to appear, where ever I am?", I turn back angry towards Jake.

"First of all, I had no idea you work here. Didn't your lover boy warn you, I come here regular? Secondly you didn't answer my request", his eyes are ice cold and I can see he is totally pissed, I've never seen him this way before.

"First of all, Evans isn't my lover boy. Secondly, I didn't know I have to answer, as it was a statement not a question. I am busy working as you see. I'll text you once I've finished work."

"Fine, then work and hand me a big draught Guinness."

I hand him his Guinness and walk away. From the side I see him glaring at me as I am flirting with some of the other customers while handing them their drinks. The bad thing is, Jake is sitting right at my main working area.

"You ok?", Evans asks holding my wrist for a short moment.

"Sure, I can deal with him. I mean I'm not going to flirt with him for a tip", I reply with a wink, "but I'll serve him professional as every other customer."

"If he gets an ass let me know, ok?"

"He is an ass, I don't need to let you know", I chuckle again, before heading back to him.

One thing I've noticed repeatedly since I've moved here, I chuckle a lot. The past five years that was nearly non-existent.

I keep up my job just as before Jake appeared. It's fun, I like the atmosphere here all together. Sure, there are a few dicks who are going over the top, like in any pub and some of the guys are so focused on my tits they spill half their beer.

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