29 | Finding Home

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"Where are you two taking me?!" Chiara's voice yelled out.

"Don't worry about it! We're taking you somewhere fun!" Grace smiled.

"Can we at least slow down?! I don't think my legs can go any further!" The older girl exclaimed, clearly out of breath.

As the two slowed down, allowing the woman to catch her breath, Chiara noticed a weird atmosphere around her. "Hey, I've hardly been to this area of the planet, how did you guys know about this place?" She noticed a strange building in front of her but the name was crossed out. "And why is the name crossed out here? All buildings should have names on them-"

Suddenly, there was a rope that tied her mouth, preventing her from talking any more than she already has.

She turned behind her with her big eyes asking, 'what was that for?!'

"Sorry boo but you're coming with us." Layla tied Chiara's arms behind her back.

"Mmfh?!" Chiara tried to speak but couldn't get any words out.

"Welcome to the club." The two say in a monotonous tone while smiling.

"Mm?!" The older woman's eyes went wide as she was pushed into the building, doors closing in front of her.

A banner fell onto her lap and what she read caused tears to form in her eyes.


'I'm being... ejected?'

The floor under the poor, tied up woman disappeared, forcing her to do the same. The last thing she was able to see, was the blurry yet smug faces of Grace and Layla, before seeing an everlasting darkness, in which she felt no emotions.

'Is it because, of my probation?'

* * * * *

The rest of the Azurite Committee decided it would be a good idea to text Indigo to think of ways to get back home.

Indigo: I'm not doing so well here either....

Marigold: YOU TOO?!

Indigo: Josh is keeping me hostage in my own office.

Aquamarine: He hasn't done anything to you, right?

Crimson: Shut up Anthony.

Aquamarine: !!!

Daniel: ...

Daniel: I'm not going to try.

Marigold: Smart choice.

Indigo: What's happening with you guys?

Crimson: Do you really want to know?


Marigold: Let's just get to the main point here

Marigold: Jocelyn, you really don't have drinks over here!!!!!

Aquamarine: ...

Crimson: NO I DON'T DUDE

Marigold: WHY NOT


Marigold: Boringggg

Crimson: eXcUsE mE

Marigold: You're excused.

Indigo: ... I'm assuming you guys are trapped too?

Daniel: Yeah...

Aquamarine: And we aren't even in our planets.

Indigo: What?

Marigold: Yeah, we somehow ended up on each other's planets. I'm on Jocelyn's planet.

Crimson: I'm on Renee's planet.

Aquamarine: Daniel's planet.

Daniel: Anthony's planet.

Indigo: Where's Chiara?

Daniel: We haven't heard from her all day.

Crimson: She hasn't texted us since she got back from the conference room.

Indigo: You're lying.

Marigold: Why?

Indigo: We need to go to her planet ASAP

Aquamarine: But how? All elevators are out of order!

Indigo: This is the time to use each other's emergency pods.

Marigold: THE PODS?!!!

Indigo: Yes.

Daniel: We've never used them before, let alone tested them!

Indigo: I've tested them and they should take you guys to the conference room.

Aquamarine: But how do we know that it's safe for us to go into?

Indigo: ... Did I not just say?

Crimson: Come on guys! We just need to confirm that Chiara is safe!!

Daniel: I still find the pods a little suspicious...


Marigold: danggg

Indigo: I'm going to have to talk to you two about that later.

Daniel: ....

* * * * *

Indigo looked outside her office window, making sure the Josh was on the other side of her.

"Don't get anywhere near me unless you want me to stick your head outside of this room." She threatened.

"Don't worry about me." He sat down at her desk and admired the woman in front of her. "Just admiring the view."

Indigo rolled her eyes and turned back to look outside and what she saw made her eyes go wide.

She spotted a free falling object or figure, falling from Planet Periwinkle. And it looks like it came from the ejection area.

"No." She said under her breath. She squinted to get a better look and it was for sure Chiara. "No!"

Indigo rushed towards the elevator but then heard the pods entering the conference room. As the committee members came out, Indigo was in panic.

"Indigo? What's wrong?" Anthony asked, providing support for the weak leader.

"WeneedtogobacktoPlanetEarth!" She said quickly.

"Huh?" Renee tilted her head in confusion.

"We need to go back to Planet Earth!" The tired woman repeated more slowly.

"Why?" Daniel asked.

"Chiara was ejected!" Indigo yelled.

A/N: The only thing I can say is, "there she goes!" This is honestly what Chiara gets...

Next chapter, the groups ventures to attempt to get her back but then she starts to have second thoughts about going home.

Thank you for reading this far!

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