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Meet Chiara. She is 26 years old and the Representative of Planet Periwinkle. She is usually oblivious to her surroundings and tries to deny the obvious. It's frustrating, trust me. She is the innocent.

Next we have Anthony. He is 27 years and the Representative of Planet Aquamarine. He never likes getting into drama and will avoid it at all costs but within the Azurite Committee, he is the neutral zone so he is dragged in no matter what. He is the problem solver.

Now, we have Daniel. He is 26 years old and the Representative of Planet Alabaster. He's always trying to enlighten the group with his jokes but always fails. Only smiles when he's around something that truly makes him happy. He is the awkward goofball.

Next we have Renee. She is 21 and the Representative of Planet Marigold. She's the one that actually lightens to mood in the room with her bubbly personality. She tries her hardest to remain positive but when someone or something ticks her off, she is not afraid to show it. She is the partier.

And last but definitely not least, we have Jocelyn. She is 22 and the Representative of Planet Crimson. She is hot headed but would make a great leader. Always speaks her mind no matter what. She has a serious attitude and rarely shows her fun side, not even to her roommate. She is the reality check.


"You know the saying, 'If you love someone, you have to let them go.'?"

"Of course I do."

"So i'm letting go."


Just a group of young adults trying to fight for the freedom of love for their planets.

~ this book was written for r.s

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