Chapter 29 Keep on Fighting

Start from the beginning

Kyoya made a wall of ice in front of him to protect himself and Neige from Baro's attack. As this happened, Asta used his anti-magic sword to cut off the mud monster's arm but it instantly regenerated the arm it lost. As this happened, Kyoya looked at Neige.

"Why? Why did you save me?"

"Don't get the wrong idea. Letting you die would be the easy way out. You need to atone for what you did, that is your punishment. Besides, a brother who would hurt his own sibling is no brother at all."

While Asta attacked the mud monster, Kyoya was using his ice magic to make sure the children wouldn't get hit by any stray attacks while Theresa used her magic to transport the kids to a new location. But this was going to be a tough thing to pull off.

~With Gauche~
"Brother, please turn back. It's not too late."

"No. I'm taking you back to the village. My magic has no effect on that woman. With that mud monster assisting her, it would be risky. I won't put you in danger."

As Gauche was flying away on his broom with Marie, he had no intention on going back. As long as Marie was safe, he couldn't give a damn what happened to the others.

"That's right, no one else matters."

Gauche was the first born son of the noble house of Adlai. He remembered how everyone looked at him and his family with envy due to their wealth and power. Yet they hid all of it with a smile. Soon Gauche saw a few nobles approaching his father.

"Do you have a moment to talk business?"

A few days afterward, Gauche and Marie found out that their parent's died in an "accident" and the noble that spoke with their father inherited everything. Soon that man threw Gauche and Marie out of their own home. As this happened, Marie began to cry but Gauche held her closely.

"Don't worry Marie. I'll keep us safe."

~Flashback ends~
"I did whatever I could to help us survive and to see Marie smile. I stole, I fought, I did everything for her sake. As long as I have Marie, I don't need anyone else."

"Stupid big brother, I hate you!!!!"

As Marie said this, Gauche felt his entire being shattering. Soon Marie was looking at Gauche with tears in her eyes.

"Brother, I know some people have done bad things to us but that doesn't mean everyone is bad. The reason i'm not lonely is because the kids at the church were always there for me, Sister Theresa and Wendy too. Plus Asta and Kyoya are fighting so hard to protect them. When I heard you were a magic knight I was so proud and I want to keep being proud of please do what a magic knight should. Please protect everyone, not just me!!!!!"

As this happened, Gauche lands his broom on the ground. While this happened, Marie saw they were near the entrance of the cave. As this happened, Gauche turned around.

"As much as I HATE to admit this. Asta, the Ice Stripper, the old hag, and the brats are important to you huh. Guess I got no choice. So stay well hidden while i'm gone."

~With Kyoya~
Kyoya was breathing heavily as he kept using his magic power to keep the shield intact as the mud beast kept slamming it's fist upon the shield. Soon Asta jumped forward to slash off the arm of the beast. As this happened, the monster tried to capture Asta in mud. However, Gauche flew in on his broom and  kicked the boy away.

"Damn idiot."

As this happened, Theresa managed to get all the kids out of the battle area. Soon Kyoya dismissed his ice shield as he got on one knee. Soon Gauche landed in front of Kyoya and Asta.

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