029: still shaking

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Is she okay?

He leaned his back against the door and started to cry into his palms.

"Why?!" He shouted.

He slid down the door as he cried heavier.

"God. If your there, please don't take her from me. Please don't. I'll do anything, just please" he prayed out.

"PLEASE!" he screamed.


"Wheres Shawn?" Topanga asked.

"Bathroom, I think" Angela shrugged. "Where were you?".

"Getting me" Cory sniffled.

Angela got up and hugged both her friends.

"She'll be okay" she cried.

"Please god let her be okay" Cory cried.

"Cory?" Shawn asked, walking back to his seat.

Cory ran to his best friend and embraced him in a bro hug, but a little tighter, providing emotional support.

"Lets pray" Topanga said.

"But I don't know how" Shawn said.

"It's easy" Angela half smiled, "join hands".

Everyone connected hands. Topanga holding Cory's holding Angela's holding Topanga's, and prayed.

"Can I get in on that?" Rose asked.

"Sure" Cory smiled. "Mrs Avery?".

"No thanks" Mrs Avery cried. "I'll go get us all some fuel from the vending machine".

"Okay" Cory nodded.

"Thank you Mrs Avery. If you change your mind you can always join us" Topanga smiled.

Mrs Avery just smiled politely and walked off.

"Now I don't do a whole lot of praying so you might have to help me out a bit" Rose said.

"Can we join?" Eric asked, with Jack right behind him.

"Jack?" Shawn sighed.

"She'll be fine little brother" Jack said.

"Well lets make sure of it" Topanga smiled, separating her and Cory's hands and making room for the two boys.

They joined in and soon enough they were in joined in prayer.

"Dear heavenly father..." Topanga started.


"Mrs. Avery?" A doctor said while approaching Mrs Avery jn the cafeteria.

"Yes?" She smile politely.

"I'm doctor Tuluk" the doctor said. "I understand the your daughter is in surgery?".

"Yes, how do you know?".

"I'm the chief of surgery, sorta like the other doctors boss" Dr Tuluk smiled. "I schedule the surgeries. I scheduled your daughters surgery".

Mrs Avery just nodded.

"How are you feeling?" Dr Tuluk asked.

"Nervous. Scared. Worried".

"That's normal. The best thing to do in this situation is have faith. Of you show distrust in those that will have your daughters life in their hands then they might doubt themselves. I mean, their strong and professional but they're also human. And a lot of them put their faith in god. My son went through a lot of surgeries in his life and I've learned that the best thing to do is picture the best possible outcome".

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