040: shut up

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A/n: hope u like, lmk ur thoughts :)(:

[shut up]

"People are talking" the school consoler spoke.

"I don't care what they say, it's none of their business" Ana shrugged.

Mrs. Patterson took a deep breath, clearly annoyed.

Shawn looked to his girlfriend who's now 2 months pregnant. She met his gaze then quickly glanced down to her stomach.

"I just think maybe you should go to another school. One that's used to this sort of thing. There are so many good pregnancy schools in the area" Mrs. Patterson smiled.

"It's not a thing, Flynn is a baby. And they will all just have to get used to Flynn" Ana shrugged. "Because in about 7 months Flynn will be here and Flynn will be beautiful".

"Flynn?" Patterson questioned.

"Our baby's name" Shawn said. "Flynn Hunter".

"We'll be out of school by the time Flynn is born so what is it to you anyway?".

"Actually, Anaisa, "Flynn" will come around the time you guys settle in as seniors" Patterson sighed. "You really want to have that kind of pressure as a senior?"

"What are you saying?" Shawn asked.

"I myself don't think either of you guys are ready to ve parents. You have to options, you could give birth and put it up for adoption or.."

"Don't you dare say that second option, because it's not" Ana shouted.

"Abortion is perfectly normal. Teenagers do it all the time" The consoler said with a serious tone. "I ask again, do you really want that type of pressure as a senior?" Patterson asked, pointed to Ana's stomach when she said "that".

"Do you want a black eye?" Ana shouted, louder than last time.

Shawn was quick to submerge the curse words spilling out of his girlfriend's mouth.

Ana grunted at him with an evil glare.

The bell rang, signaling the end if school.

"I'll see you both tomorrow" Mrs. Patterson saud with a blank, emotionless face, then left.

Ana and Shawn doing the same soon after.

"I hate her" Shawn growled, balling his hand into a fist.

"Bitch" Ana groaned.

The rest of the school year went by all the same.

Comments being either;

"Congratulations. I can't wait to meet little Hunter"


"Ew, maybe you should've kept you legs closed"


"Too bad you're baby won't be cute like their dad, slut"

Today, the last day of school, was no different.

"Omg Ana, can I feel your tummy?" Alice asked.

"Um, su.."

"Ew why would you want to, it's probably diseased and retarded" Zol chimed in.

Ana, about to burst into anger, remembered what her mother had told her not too long ago.

"Don't let them get to you. You're strong. Stay unbothered and soon enough they will stop bothering you"

She took a relaxing breath and kept an emotionless expression plastered on her face.

"Ugly like their mother and stupid like their father" Yolanda added.

"No. It will be trailer park trash like their retarded father and suicidal like their slutty mother and her entire family" Beth snorted. "You know. Either way leaving their child hopeless. Rather it's by suicide or just plain leaving because they're child is just as big as a screw up as them".

That. That right there tears it.

"I may be pregnant but I will still kick your ass Thompson" Ana shouted to Beth. "And yours along with it Zol and Yol".

These bitches used to be my friends

Ana thought

Fuck it

Ana slapped Beth across her face, leaving a mark.

"Ah, whore!" Beth gasped.

"Keep our names out of your trashy mouth. By the way, we all know what its used for"

"Yeah Beth, knees hurt?" Carmen laughed from behind Ana.

"Mine would if I were on them all night" Angela joined in.

"Wha-" Beth shook her head.

"Shut up!" Ana yelled, punching Beth straight in her botched nose. "Whore".

[Later ✌︎]

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