010: more than anything

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A/n: Hii !! Welcome back, I hope you enjoy this one. Don't forget to vote // Outfit at top like always unless I say otherwise :)


"I don't know, man. She's been in there an awful long time " Shawn said.

"Haircuts don't happen in the blink of an eye, Shawn" I laugh slightly.

"What are you getting so crazy about? She's just getting a haircut".

"No, Cory. We've known Topanga all her life, okay? She doesn't wear make-up. She's never been to a beauty parlor. She's completely natural" Shawn yells.

"Shh" A lady shushes him.

"So what's the big deal?" Cory asks.

"It's not like she's getting plastic surgery" I add on.

"The big deal is she was beautiful before without anybody's help. Now she's got professional help. She's gonna be mega-beautiful" Shawn said in a serious tone. "We're not even gonna be able to look at her directly without burning our retinas"

"Shawn, come on. This is not Beverly Hills. I mean, it's a neighborhood beauty salon next to old lady Schneider's doughnut shop" Cory says.

"I mean, they don't exactly do "miracles" here" I laugh.

"Oh, no. Shawn, Topanga is gonna come out looking 10 times better than she did when she went in"

"Okay, the first thing she's gonna do is dump you, then starting hanging out with other unbelievably good-looking people" Shawn says.

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"It's what we do" He smiles.

"Uh-huh, Uh-huh. Well, I think that's interesting, but, oh, so wrong".

"And why is that?" Shawn ask.

"Because if anybody knows hair, it's me. When I get a haircut, it looks terrible for, like, the first six weeks. Then all of a sudden, it looks terrific for, like, a day. Then it's time for another haircut. It's what I like to call the haircut cycle of shame." Cory grins.

"Okay, and that's what you think's gonna happen to Topanga?" I ask.

"Yes, I do." Cory speaks. "Because the universe knows that Topanga and I are supposed to be together, so the universe has seen fit to put Topanga in that chair and make her hideous so we can get through our teenage years awkward hand in awkward hand".

"You know she's coming out great-looking, don't you?" Shawn smiles.

Topanga walks out even more gorgeous than before with a huge smile painted on her face.

"Yes! This universe blows!".

"Well, isn't somebody going to say something?" Topanga says as she continues to smile.

"She's my best friend's girl, she's my best friend's girl Oh, the heck with that! Marry me! I live in a trailer park and I have no education, but my hair does this!" Shawn grins. Damn, he's hot!

"Shawn! Shut up, man!" Cory pouts like a big baby.



"All right, Topanga, I want the name of the guy who did this to you" Cory demands.

"You don't like it?" I ask him.

"No, no, it's not that I don't like it, it's just that I'm in love with this girl who was never interested in what she looked like before" He smiles "and now I see make-up on your face and polish on your nails and toes and Stop looking at her toes!"

"But they sparkle" Shawn says.

"I want the name of the guy who did this to you" Cory demands.

"My stylist's name is Mr. Cellini" Topanga says, "Cory, it's just a haircut. It's just some make-up. It's not going to change me... Gotta go".

"Well, where are you going?" I ask.

"This outfit with this hair? Hello, bye-bye. I am so at the mall" Topanga smiles, "you wanna join?".

"Maybe some other time" I smile and wave to her as she walks off.

"You know, Shawn, this just isn't like Topanga" Cory says.

"She sounds really familiar" I say, "I feel like I've know her my while life, I just can't put my finger on it".

"You" Shawn smiles to me and scrunches his nose playfully, then goes back to a more serious face to talk to Cory. "Obviously, she's under the influence of this so-called Mr. Cellini" he shrugs.

"Yeah" Cory nods.

"I say we go back there" Shawn says.

"You are my friend, aren't you?" Cory jokes.

"Of course I am. And that little thing with Topanga? Well, I think the three of us can be very happy together" Shawn jokes back.

"You guys are idiots what do you think will happen hell glue her hair back on or something?" I ask.

"Maybe he can fix me up" Cory shrugs. "Make me irresistible".

"Impossible" I grin.

"Just because Shawn's more your type doesn't mean you have to get rude" Cory laughs.

"Just because I'm not wearing sneakers doesn't mean I can't still make you cry" I fake laugh.

"Chill down there John Cena" Cory says.

"I remember that day like it was yesterday" Shawn laughs. "He was so scared of you for like the month after that".

"Was not" Cory pouts.

"Was too, you faked being sick" I laughed. "But Shawn was weirdly more attached to my side than ever that month".

"What, first off, you beat him up for being rude to you. Second off, you beat him up" Shawn laughs. "That was the first time I realized you were more than just a girl".

"Damn right I'm more than just a girl" I laugh.

"And at the time you were Shawn's girl, according to him" Cory smiled.

"Better than being yours" I joked.

Cory laughed. "I missed you".

"I've missed you too tree" I smile.

"What about me?" Shawn asked in a fake hurt toned voice.

I shrugged and Cory walked away. "More than anything" I whispered in his ear.

He smiled his boyish smirk then pulled me into a tight and warm hug, resting his chin on the top of my head. We stayed like that for a little then he planted a gentle kiss on my forehead and went back to that same position. I wanted to stay like that forever.

"So nothings changed" Cory smiled.

A/n: This is my longest chapter so far and kinda took a while so I really hope you enjoyed and plz vote if you did <3 laters babe 😘 💗

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