046: falling

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Ana sat in her bed, staring down at her now 2 month old daughter.

She stroked her tiny palm very lightly. "You have no idea how much I love you" Ana smiled.

She looks to her right to her sleeping boyfriend as drool ran down his cheek.

"Your dad loves you too, but not as much as I do" she giggled.

"Lies" Shawn mumbled. "Our love for you is equal".

"Good morning baby" Ana smiled to Shawn.

"Good morning beautiful" Shawn yawned, then placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Good morning Flynn" he smiled, the lightly kissed her cheek.

A soft baby noise came from Flynn after her dad kissed her cheek.

"She says she loves you" Ana smiled. "And also to brush your teeth".

"Flynn's bossy for a two month old" Shawn joked.

"She is her mother's daughter" Ana shrugged.

As Shawn went to the bathroom ans Ana put Flynn in her crib, there was a knock on the door.

Ana rushed to the door after watching Flynn fall asleep.

She opened the door to a surprise.


"Oh my god, Topanga how are you?" Ana asked.

"I'm good" Topanga smiled. "It's been a minute since I've seen you".

"It's been two months" Ana sighed.

"Where is she?" Topanga asked with a huge smile.

"You couldn't have even faced him to be there for your best friend?" Ana asked.

"Ana, I was stuck in traffic"

"Cory told us the truth".

"Ana, I couldn't face him that day"

"What about the next. Or any day after that?" Ana asked in a quiet tone.

"Ana who's there?" Shawn asked.

"Topanga" Ana answered.

"Ana, I am so incredibly sorry I wanted to be there so bad and I've been beating myself up about it since" Topanga said with a tear falling down her cheek.

"Why did you guys even break up?" Shawn asked Topanga.

"Cory hasn't told you?".

Both Shawn and Ana shook their heads simultaneously.

"I'm moving" Topanga sighed. "The end of the summer".

There was pure silence, all that was heard was the breathing.

"Her cribs in our room" Ana said while looking to her feet.
"But she's asleep right now".

"I'll come back later then" Topanga shrugged.

"You can stay, maybe hang out if you want to" Ana said.

"Thank you" Topanga smiled.


"No, I really can't explain the pain. Its indescribable and completely unbearable" Ana said as her and Topanga sat facing each other on the couch. "But there was a cute doctor".

"Omg really?" Topanga giggled. "What was his name?".

"Something Italian" Ana shrugged. "I don't exactly remember I was very much doped out. All I know is, I pinched his ass like four times. If I wasn't high I would probably have been charged with sexual assault".

"Did he get mad?"

"He didn't thank me" Ana laughed, Topanga joining.

"Tell me you have a picture" Topi laughed.

"I got 15"

They both burst into laughter, soon being shushed by an upset Shawn.

"Sleeping baby!" He whisper-shouted.

"Sorry cutie" Ana winked.

"I swear to god if you waked her u-"

Just then Flynn started to cry.

Shawn shook his head in disappointment as he rushed to his daughters side.

"So, do you miss him?" Ana asked.

Topanga said nothing and simply looked to the ground.

"Get your boobs out" Shawn said to Ana as he bought the baby to her.

"You might wanna leave now" Ana told Topanga.

"I think I'll just.." Topanga said, facing the other way.

After the baby was fed and everything was decent, Ana tapped Topanga on the shoulder.

Topanga turned back around.

"Would you like to hold her?" Ana asked.

"More than you know" Topanga smiled.

Ana carefully placed Flynn in Topanga's arms, fixing her hands after.

She smiled at Ana before looking down at Flynn.

Ana yawned.

"Go get some rest, I got this for a minute"

"You sure?" Ana asked.

"Yes. Both of you go get some alone time".

Shawn and Ana smiled to Topanga then went to their room.

"Lets keep Topanga here for the week" Shawn smiled.

"Lets keep her here for good" Ana said. "We need to keep her from moving".

"Okay, okay. We'll come up with some plan in a bit, but for now.." Shawn said, leaning in.

Ana started to also lean in.

After not even a peck since Flynn's arrival, their lips finally met. It felt like heaven to them both.

"I love this" Shawn said into the kiss.

"Baby, I'm falling you all over again" Ana mumbled.

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