023: she lives under trees

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A/n: If the title sounds familiar, you'll know why when you read the chapter. If you get the reference, be my friend. I hope you enjoy. If you do, please vote.


Ana's pov.
"Ana, smell this one!" Carmen yelped as she shoved another bottle of perfume in my face.

I take a deep breath in, the sweet aroma reminding me of candy. "Whats it called?" I asked.

"Sweet like candy" Carmen read.

(A/n: Oh and Ari excited then too, bc i dont need a reason)

"Ari?" I asked.

"Yes" Carmen smiled. "Now come on lets go to VS".

"Um.. I'll meet you there I have to pee" I say.

I rush to the nearest bathroom and, well.. Use it. But while I was I couldn't stop thinking about what Cory told me. And all that happend over the past two days.


3rd person pov.

"Topanga listen" Cory yelled.

"No! You flirted with her" Topanga yelled back as tears filled her eyes. "You kissed her".

"Shes lying. I would never do that to you" Cory argued.

It was no use, Topanga saw what she saw.

"What you saw was her getting a little too close for comfort and me backing away. I was trapped by the wall" Cory crued out.

"She told me that you told her you liked her" Topanga cried back.

She whiped her tears away and headed for the door.

"Please!" Cory shouted.

"No, we're over Cory Matthews!" Topanga yelled, then left.

Cory grabed the phone as fast as he could.

"Hello?" Rose answered.

"Hello Rose. May I speak to Ana?" Cory asked.

"Of course" Rose said, "here she is".

"Who?" Ana whispered to her aunt.

"Matthews" Rose whispered back.


"Its Cory. What is wrong with your friend?" Cory asked.

"I have a lot, be more specific" Ana joked.

"Carmen" Cory sighed.

"What do you mean?" Ana asked.

Cory had the sniffles due to crying.

"Topanga.." Cory said in a shaky voice.

"Cory, are you okay? You sound unwell" Ana said.

"Topanga and I broke up" Cory cried.

"Why?" Ana asked.

"Because of what I told you the other day".

*End of flashback*

Ana's pov.

"Anaisa" A voice said. I look to my left to see Angela.

"Angel" I smile. We hug.

"Were you thinking of something over there?" She asked.

"Yea" I nod.

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