Chapter 39

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Rebekah, Stefan, Alaric, and Freya gathered all they needed. "Rebekah and I will go in. He doesn't like you two very much." Freya said. 

"Okay. Be careful." Stefan kissed Rebekah on the forehead and she walked over to where Freya was standing. 

"Okay here it goes..." Freya held the ascendant in one hand and started whispering the spell as she poured some of the blood on the ascendant. A bright light shined and then disappeared leaving Stefan and Alaric in the office. 

Rebekah and Freya looked at their surroundings and they stood in the old Salvatore Boarding House. "Okay let's start looking for him we have till the sun goes down." Freya said. 

Rebekah nodded and vamp speed out of the house and started looking in the other town over. Freya speed around Mystic falls. When they didn't find him they continued going to different states. 


Anastasia burned some sage and whispered a spell. "Okay, we can talk freely." 

"Where is Emerson?" Kai sat down on Anastasia's bed. 

"She's in the woods helping Lizzie set up for the party tonight." 

Kai nodded and leaned back on her headboard putting his arms behind his head. "Where have you been the past month?" Anastasia sat next to him.

"I was in England...You know I never wanted to leave you, right?" Kai asked. 

"I know, you had to leave Mystic falls because Bonnie was suspecting you were out of the prison world." Anastasia said. Anastasia was quiet for a moment as she played with a piece of thread on the comforter, she looked up at Kai. "I want to tell my family about us." 

"Anastasia, you know what they would do to me if they found out I've been out of the prison world for almost 6 months and been dating you for 7 months." Kai sat up and looked at her. 

"I just hate lying to them, you know Ariella and Emerson have been trying to set me up with some guys. I have to keep telling them their not my type or that I like someone else at school who has a girlfriend." Anastasia sighed. 

"I maybe we could just tell them I am here in the real world before we tell them about us dating?" Kai questioned. 

Anastasia smiled and attacked him in a hug. "You're the best." She pecked his lips. 

"I try." Kai smiled at her. 


"I don't get it, we've looked everywhere." Freya stood across from Rebekah as they were back at the Salvatore Boarding School. 

"How could he just not be here?" Rebekah asked. 

"I have no clue." Freya sighed as she started looking around the house. 

"What are you looking for?" 

"Remember how Bonnie video tape what happened after Damon got out. Maybe Kai left a video of where he went or something." Freya vamped out of the living room looking through every room in the house. 

Rebekah sighed and poured herself some of the fresh coffee she made. She sat down at the table and Freya flashed in. "I found a camera. It looks new." Freya said.

"Okay lets get a tv or computer and watch whatever is on it." Rebekah stood up and flashed out grabbing the computer she saw in one of the rooms earlier. She came back into the kitchen and opened the computer. 

Freya connected the camera cord to the computer and pressed play on the camera. A video showed up on the computer screen. 

"So whoever is seeing this, is now in the prison world or found it in the real world. Depending on where I put it. So congratulations you've found my life show. Bonnie and the rest of the Scooby gang put me back in here. They suck-"

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