Chapter 30

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Finn, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, Elijah, and Henrik were standing in the middle of the Cemetery as they waited. Caroline, Elena, Katherine, Stefan, Jenna, Damon, Jeremy, and Marcel were on look out waiting for them to make their first move. Well Bonnie, Bianca and Davina were in the Claire tomb trying to find a way to undo the reincarnation spell that is on Genevieve and the others.

The gate to the cemetery opened and 2 footsteps could be heard throughout the mostly empty cemetery. Caliban and Genevieve walked towards the middle of the cemetery finding the Mikaelson siblings. "Well if it isn't the Mikaelsons." Caliban said. 

"And what was your name again?" Klaus asked. 


"Caliban. Why are you so hell bent on killing our family?" Finn asked. 

"Your father killed my family. It's only fitting that I kill all of his." Caliban said. 

"So you came here for what? To kill us. I would like to see you try." Klaus said with an evil smirk. 

"Well bring the rest of your family out. I know they are here." Genevieve said. 

The others came out except Bonnie, Bianca, and Davina. "We brought a few people as well." Caliban said. 

Lauren, Derek, Valentina, Marco, Isaac, and Madison walked in and some vampires, werwolves, hybrids, and witches walked in with them. 

A witch started chanting making the Mikaelson siblings fall to the ground holding their heads. Elena and Katherine chanted a spell breaking the witches necks. The fight started. Damon, Elijah, and Marcel ripping out hearts of werwolves and vampires. Jeremy shooting and stabbing vampires in the heart with wooden stakes. The others with killing all of the the ones that went at them. 


"Why isn't it working?" Davina sighed, frustrated. They were in the Claire tomb still trying to break the reincarnation spell but they didn't have enough power. They could hear people getting killed outside. 

They needed to hurry. "Call Katherine or Elena. They are originals with doppelgänger blood and they are witches." Bianca told Bonnie. 

"I'll be right back." Bonnie said running out of the tomb. She gave aneurisms to any supernatural being that tried to attack her. She reached Katherine, just as she ripped out two hearts. Bonnie watched the two Bodie fall to the ground and Katherine turn to her. "Hey, what do you need?" Katherine asked.

"We need your help." Bonnie said. Katherine nodded and followed Bonnie back to the tomb. "Okay, she'll help us." Bonnie said. 

"So what do you need me for?" Katherine asked. 

"We need your blood. Just to give the spell a boost. We've already linked them all together now if we undo the reincarnation spell on one then we can undo it on all. But we don't have enough power." Bianca said. 

"Okay." Katherine said bitting her hand and letting it drip into the bowl on the table that was between all of them. "Is that enough?" Katherine asked looking up. 

"Yes, now we just need you to chant the spell with us." Davina said. Katherine nodded and help their hands and they started chanting. 


Hayley walked out of the room quietly shutting the door. She just got Talia to sleep. Jackson was putting the older kids to sleep. Hayley walked down the hall and upstairs going to check on Alaric. She opened the door to his room. 

Alaric was still sleeping. She shut the door and walked next door to Freya's room. She opened the door and Freya was sitting up. She walked in. "How are you feeling?" Hayley asked. 

"Better. Where is everyone?" Freya asked swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. 

"They go meet with Genevieve and Caliban." Hayley said. 

"What?!" Freya said as she stood up. Before Hayley could reply Freya already walked out of her room. 

"Where are you going?" Hayley followed Freya down the stairs. 

"I'm going to help them. And don't try to stop me." Freya said,  turning towards Hayley. 

"Okay." Hayley said. 

"Where did they go?" Freya asked. 

"The cemetery." Hayley said. Just like that Freya was gone and on her way to help her family. 


They had killed most of the vampires, hybrids, werewolves, and witches. Some were still fighting them off will the others were going after Caliban, Genevieve, Marco, Valentina, Derek, Lauren, Isaac, and Madison. All of them had a White oak stake, waiting for the Mikaelsons. 

Caroline, Elena, Finn, Rebekah, Marcel, Damon, and Henrik went after Caliban and them. "Looks like some of you finally got past them. It took longer than I expected." Caliban said. 

"We're here now. So let's finish this." Rebekah said. 

They each fought someone. While they were fighting in the other part of the cemetery, Jenna, Stefan, Kol, Jeremy, Klaus, and Elijah were ripping out heart and slicing off heads. They killed the werwolves and witches. They were finishing off the last of hybrids and vampires. 

Thats when it happened. Freya chanted a spell from behind them stopping them from attacking. The others just looked at each other. Then the last of the hybrids and vampires hearts flew out and they fell on the ground. 

Freya stepped between the bodies. "You're supposed to be resting." Elijah said. 

"Yes, well I couldn't let my family fight alone. Plus I feel fine." Freya said. 

"It's been done. They can never be reincarnated again after they die." Bianca said as they let go of each others hands. 

"NO!" Everyone heard Rebekah scream. 


Genevieve was about to stab Finn with the white oak stake and Caliban was about to stab Rebekah with another white oak stake. The others who had the white oak stake refrained from using it because if they were being honest they didn't want to kill the Mikaelsons. They believed Mikael should be the one they killed but her was already dead. 

The stake touched their their chests about to be pushed through. Caroline and Elena took action, one tackled Genevieve and one tackled Caliban. Elena showed her vangs, Caliban stuck the stake through her heart the same time Genevieve stuck it through Caroline's.

Elena looked at her chest, her vangs going away, her body fell to the ground. Just as Caroline did and their bodies set on fire. 

"NO!" Rebekah yelled. That stopped the others from fighting. Derek, Lauren, Isaac, Madison, Marco, and Valentina were shocked. Damon, Marcel, and Finn had tears in their eyes. Rebekah was on her knees crying. Finn grabbed his sister and hugged her. 

Kol, Klaus, Elijah, Jenna, Freya, Stefan, Davina, Bianca, Bonnie, and Katherine all ran towards where the scream came from. They seen Rebekah crying and then they seen the bodies. 

Kol and Klaus ran to the two bodies sinking to their knees as they held the two burnt bodies. "Elena, No. Come on. This wasn't suppose to happen. We have kids, they're to young to lose their mother." Kol cried as he held her body. 

"Caroline, love. I should've been here. I'm sorry I failed you." Klaus held her body. 

The others had tears. Jeremy fell down. His big sister was dead. Bonnie cried hard. Damon held her. 

Kol and Klaus stood up from the ground. Showing their hybrid faces.

To Be Continued...

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