Chapter 46

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McKenna laid on the bed unconscious. "I'm not sure what's wrong with her." Freya stepped away from McKenna. 

"Bloody hell!" Klaus exclaimed. 

"Calm down, Nik. What do you think is wrong with her?" Caroline asked. 

"If it's nothing to do with her powers of werewolf gene then it could possibly be her Banshee gene. This could be how the Banshees are appearing to her." Bonnie explained the theory her and Freya came up with. 

"If that's the case that means the fighting is arriving." Elena spoke up. 

Everyone in the room looked at one another, taking in what this means. 


McKenna sat up from the bed, seeing her family in the room talking. "Guys. Guys. Guys!" They didn't listen. "Hello! Mom! Dad!" 

"They can't hear you." A voice said, making McKenna jump and turn around. A girl with blonde hair and green eyes stood right in front of McKenna. 

"Who are you?" McKenna asked. 

The girl walked out of the room, McKenna following her. "Who are you?" She asked once again. 

"Irene, Irene Hagen. I'm your ancestor and was once a Banshee." Irene explained. 

"What am I doing here?" 

Irene stopped at the bottom of the stairs, right in front of McKenna. She turned around and faced the young girl. "To learn." Irene turned back around and continued to walk out the front door. 

"To learn what?" McKenna was in shock as they walked out the door. Dirt covered the ground, huts surrounded the land, the trees and grass looked alive and so green. "Where are we?" She turned in a circle to examine the new land. 

"We're in memories of the first banshee." Irene continued walking. McKenna running to catch up with her. 

They walked towards a hut filled with laughter. The door opened and they walked in. "This is Isla Hagen and her family." 

The kids were laughing and running around, an older girl was helping Isla cook. "Who's that girl?" McKenna pointed towards the girl with dark hair and blue eyes. 

"That is your other ancestor, Lisette Augustin. After her family was killed, Isla took her in, cared for her and then Lisette got married at the age of seventeen. When she got pregnant she asked if Isla could take away her magic." Irene explained as the scene infront of them changed to Lisette and Isla setting the table. 

"Why did she want her magic taken away?" McKenna asked as she walked closer to Isla and Lisette. 

"She was afraid her sister would use their family bond to magic to track her family down one day." 

"Why would she be afraid of that?"

"Because Lisette is the younger sister of Esme Augustin." Irene spoke.

"Esme Augustin? The girl who's been getting closer to my cousin." McKenna stated. 

"Yes, she made a blood promise many years ago when she got trapped, that she would one day return not only destroy Lisette's bloodline, but as well as the Hagen bloodline." 

"Why both bloodlines?" McKenna turned towards Irene. 

"McKenna, you come from both bloodlines. Your Mother is a descendent of Lisette Augustin - Forbes and your Father is a descendant of Isla Hagen. She wanted to destroy the Hagen bloodline because the Hagen bloodline was one of the four bloodlines that trapped her. She has yet to find the other three because she was drawn to Mystic falls. So after she is done with the both bloodlines, she will go find the last three." 

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