Chapter 8:[Chance Encounter] P1

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Chapter 8: His and her butler, Chance Encounter

[Helicie Phantomhive]

The room felt steady as the sound of silence. It was calming  knowing that I had the room all to myself after brother took his departure this morning but I was a little bothered that he didn't even try waking me. I was awake for the whole night and couldn't catch any rest. I finally remembered what had happened those many years ago.

8 years ago

"You're such an idiot! Let go!"

"No, leave me alone! It's mine!"

Tears had left out of my eyes, as I stared at the teddy bears arm. It was ripped apart, from the body and the stuffing that kept it nice, soft, and cozy, was scattered all over the floor. 

"You broke it!" I cried. "Why wouldn't you just go away!"

Dropping down to the floor, I tried gathering up all of the stuffing. When I put them back into the teddy bear, it just wouldn't stay in. It was ruined, soiled, broken, and ugly now. I didn't want the stupid thing anymore. Picking up the teddy bear, I looked at it with angry disgusted eyes.

You're pathetic, who would want to keep you any how. Just look at your self, how did you manage to be so defenseless? How did you get so weak?

"I don't want you." I was in spite.

Bringing my arm across from my face, i rubbed my eyes wiping the tears away from them. All I wanted to do was burn it. it didn't belong. 

Throwing it's mangled body, the stuffing fell through the air like snow. The bear hit Ciel in the face, and then fell back to the ground.

His eyes had widened from shock, and his lips quivered as his eyebrows forced together, like a mad rabid dog. He picked up the bear off the floor, then held the bear's dangling arm and proceeded with handicapping the thing. My heart had shrunk, and my throat felt as if it was closing up tightly so that I couldn't breath properly. It hurt so much, that I wanted to use that same feeling against him.

"I wish that we didn't have the same parents, and that we were never related!" he shouted from the top of his lungs, while now ripping it apart with his teeth. "You never belonged!"

I was on the verge of shedding more tears at his painful words that made me scared. His voice that pierced through my ears, and resounded. The look he gave me, when I didn't share a stupid toy with him.  It's time to grow up, and stop being scared all the time....

"I wish that you died, when mom was giving birth to the both of us!" screaming at him with a high pitched voice, I  ran out of the room leaving him with that message.

"Mommy, Daddy! Ciel is being mean to me again!"


"Helci wake up." brother was shaking me with his arm, forcefully. My arm was beginning to hurt, how long was he doing that? "Sis, wake up!"

He was waking me up at the wrong time. After having that nightmare, I feel like absolute garbage. Turning around to see what he wanted, I looked at him intensely.

"What is it?" I asked, him.

" okay?" Ciel, placed his hand on my face, wiping his thumb on my cheek. "You're face is wet."

It took me a minute to realize what he had been talking about. My face was wet, and I could feel the trail from where it had started. From my eyes, breaking off into branches down my cheek onto my chin, and along my neck. It was that much....

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