Chapter 17 and 18

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Chapter 17: Vivid Outing

{a month later....}

[Grell Sutcliff]

I need a break from William, he has been breaking my back all week. Although I do like William's antics, I rather spend time with Bassy. He is so dreamy and gorgeous. I decide to visit Bassy after I report to William.

(Phantomhive Manor)

I look into the garden and see that the residents of the Phantomhive manor are having a picnic. There was also the girl that had the hair catastrophe, at the halloween party. I cannot believe she was invited and not me. Oh, Bassy I just have to crash this party.

"Hello Bassy!!" I say as I give him a loving hug from behind. Sebastian sighs, before taking my arm and throwing me over his shoulder onto the ground on my back. The pain.... the passion... that courses between us "I like it!"

"Did you invite this imbecile, Sebastian?" Ciel asks.

"What! I mean no Sire." Sebastian says feeling insulted.

"I knew it, Sebastian doesn't know yet, that he loves me." I say.

"What is he going on about now?" Sebastian says.

I sit next to Helicie who instantly starts staring down at me. "Well, since we were talking about invitees, Where is Undertaker, Claire?" She asks, sipping her tea.

"Oh, he is just finishing a job, I am sure he will be here soon." Claire answers and then takes a sip from her tea.

I pick up a scone feeling a bit hungry from work, and bring it close to my mouth.About to take a bite of it, out of nowhere Helices smacks it out of my hand.

"Sorry, I just had a muscle spasm." She says excusing herself, I could see Bassy smirking from the corner of my eye.

"It's okay..." I say with a slight pout.

"I'm here, Earl Phantomhive." Undertaker announces his arrival.

"'Ello!" Claire greets.

"Hello, you can sit wherever you want, just as long as it's not next to me." Ciel says. Undertaker starts towards Ciel anyways, then pokes his cheek with his long, black, fingernail.

"Are you sure,Lord Ciel?" he asks mischievously.

"Y-yes, what kind of stupid question-

"Okay!" Undertaker prances about the picnic cloth, and takes a seat next to that blonde haired Claire. I could hear that Phantomhive boy, sighing in annoyance to him.

"Oh, don't be such a party pooper Lord Ciel. We're here to have a good time, now right?" Undertaker carried on.

"Yes. I suppose it would be nice, if we actually just enjoyed this moment." Ciel said.

Feeling a bit awkward being caught up in all this tension, I decided to start up a conversation."So, Bassy! How was your day-

"Unless you have a request, I advise that you not speak to me. As a butler, my masters principles don't permit me to take part in any form of small talk."

Oh, is he really going to keep that act up. How boring of him, it only makes me want him more. Why do the heavens tease me so, in times like these. They wish to keep our love growing at a far distance, but I will not allow it!

"So, Claire." Helicie starts. "How is the shop holding up?" she asked.

A spark in Claires spirit had set off. "Oh, it's just wonderful! Thank you for asking; we have been examining a few dead bodies, with diseases that-

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