Chapter 24: [Soot Rapunzel] (Non Cannon Alt. Ending)

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She's ashen and grey, like the Earl and his tea. Her mind split so far, that she couldn't even feel anymore. The trauma spiking it had....dissipated. She couldn't even remember their faces....and it was because she if they had  forgotten all about her. But why...? Why was it that she kept the memories in hear head, despitelosing everything else? The faded images and matching identities of who they once were are gone now. It was many, many years later. She sat in a room hearing the ticking of the pendulum that taunted her.

 "Helicie...dear sweet beautiful...princess...yes, my princess..." Helicie stared into his eyesm It was her betrothed. The one who she had married, that had not been her soul mate nor her true love. And it all happened so quickly. His hands ran through her hair, so soft and thorough, taking out the nots gently. She stared into his cyan eyes, and knelt onto the floor at his feet. While he stayed on the bedside staring down at her, with rose colored lenses. He couldnt see the torment. And whether or not he noticed, he could not care for she was all his. The dimmed light, caused silhouettes to crawl ungracefully on the walls..all but hers that faded...She was no longer able to talk. No longer able to feel properly as her skin was almost dead to her. Senses of touch barely there, and her mind wracked with a multitude of terrors of horripilation. And other days, almost solace.

Alois cuffed his hands around her face, gently, as he smiled still  with the same cracked mindset. She was not forced any longer by thehands of her captures. At this point after sustained abuse and injuries, it was the fact that she had simply let go.

"Your love...your love, gave me all of what I needed. I am no longer alone, and I don't need anyone else but you to understand my bruises and body, I will let you see it tonight. I—I'm show you, but..." He stopped, shuddering at the thought of it as his heart trembled.

His head filling up with thoughts.

D—Don't D–don't...touch me... stop stop stop it! Please, it hur..ts..

 Seeing his pain and suffering, the only course of action was to comfort him. Just as she was trained to do. Gently, her fingers spread out; an arm extended out. Her fingers, coldly, gave him false love. It was not true within her heart...but they were both blind to it. "Dear, sweet,," She wiped away his tears, sinking her body into his grasp awaiting his embrace. His impulsiveness lead him to a non hesitant  response, taking her entire being with his own arms. Alois rested his chin atop of her head, as the tears rolled down his cheeks unaware of her erraric flinching. "For as long, as you're here...I can be happy. I'm– I-I'll try not to be scared." 

As he said this, Alois brought his hands onto Helicie's shoulders, pulling her back up to face eachother and stare into the eyes of one another.
He crooked his smile further, before eventually melding it into a twisted innocent like expression.

" you, I love you, I love you...I'm so....elated. Really, don't worry about it. I swear, to you."

Leaning in with slow pace, Alois turn his head, closing his lashes soon casting away the bright light of his eyes. His lips met with hers, but she did not reciprocate the same passion as he did. There was nothing for her to give but herself. 

He lifted away from Helicie. "You still look lovely, as the day we got married. It was meant to be. Do you see it now?" He looked down at her hand, which no longer bared the crest that connected her to the past. The sapphire gem and the silver embroidered ring was thrown into the forgotten world as trash. It was garbage, to Alois. "Mrs. Macken?" He beckoned to her with a temperate tone.  He looked as if a wave of realization came over him, and a bothered twitch set onto his countenance."Why won't you speak to me anymore?'s hard for me to understand but you appear different now. Your look, it's the same as in the picture I saw of you at the carriage all those years ago. Sometimes it looks as're not here."

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