Chapter 8:[Chance Encounter] P2

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"Sebastian, what do we do? I can't just leave my sister out there like this, you have to do something and quick. We can only do so much."

"Well that may be, unless you go after mistress and I capture the culprit."

"But what should happen if the culprit has taken a hold of my sister?"

"All the more reason for you to go. Or if you wish, I could take your place instead and bring her to you afterwords. Be warned that if the culprit is where you're standing, there is no promise that you will be unharmed."

"Don't be foolish."

Although the look on his face showed he was somewhat shocked, as I said those words to him, I knew that he was just doing that.

"If there was any chance that my sister would be in danger because of me, it's my responsibility to keep her safe. Not anyone else's..."

I looked him straight in those ungodly eyes of his. It's funny how they never changed at all, when his expressions did. He always had to play the gentleman, but he never truly cared for anything in his life. Just like a demon...What if I care, wether he does or not. No, but what really matttered to me is that Helci would. 


Remembering what we had been discussing in the first place, I ordered Sebastian to continue on ahead, around the other corner where the woman's screams were heard from, while I searched for my sister.

"I'm such an idiot, how could I not have seen that?"

"I'm gonna go sit somewhere I don't get wet in?"

"FIne, just don't get lost okay?" 

Was that really all I could say? Don't get lost....I knew fully well that something like this could happen, but I just got so caught up in this case....I put her life in danger more than once with this Jack the Ripper, why didn't I stick to what i believed was right before?

"Sister, I said no and that's final.....I'm only trying to protect you."

"We have seperate bodies for a reason....Just this once, trust me..."  

I shouldn't have let her go, she would've been better off at home away from all of this. Helicie should've had a better life, I should've sent her to live with Elizabeth. Although, I wouldn't get to see her as often...atleast she would've been out of harms way....atleast my sister could go an living a better life away from everything else...away from the bad side of me....away from the manor.... away from Viscount Druitt....away from Jack the Ripper...and away from Sebastian...of all people, he was the most dangerous of them. A literal spawn from hell itself, and yet she's grown accostumed to it. What kind of life have I put her through, rather than my own. She and I have been living a lie, for thirteen years...

"H-Helci, where are you! Please, say something so I know that you're alright!"

But there was no reply from my sister, only the hard sound of the rain pouring onto the wet hard ground as the splashes hit the concrete and on my face. I couldn't hear my sister's voice anymore. She was no where to be found.

I lost her....I lost her....I lost my sister, she had only been gone...for....

"Don't get lost...okay..."

We only have eachother.....

"I don't know what to do."

You're the only person....that I could ever love in this world.....and now you're gone.

How did it all happen, so fast? We were brother and sister, together ever since the day we were born, we did everything...together....we ate meals together, we played together, we took baths together, we slept together....we loved eachother...together....

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