Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"A date?" You questioned, still hiding behind Terushima.

You didn't get it. Why would a man who tried to kidnap you ask you on a date? That's one way to someone's heart, but not  you. You will admit that Ushijima is attractive, but attractiveness isn't going to win your heart. He even threatened to carve a message into your skin too. You don't want to engage with someone who threatened to cut you to pass a message. It's fucked.

"I want to know how you enthralled Oikawa," Ushijima stated.

You gaze at him with a blank stare, still knowing that's not a good reason to ask someone on a date. You figured that Ushijima doesn't have much luck with women or even dated a woman before. You definitely know that's not how you should go about on asking someone on a date. His reasoning makes you not want to go on a date with him more.

Terushima snorted. "That's not a reason to take someone on a date."

"No kidding," Semi added, a smile on his lips.

The tense air that you once felt disappeared, Terushima and Semi making it lighter with the jokes. You stood next to Terushima, not fully hiding behind him, but somewhat hiding. You didn't want to leave the one person that could probably protect you against Ushijima. You're glad for those two because you rather not experience the thick tension of Ushijima.

"Ushiwaka," Tendo said clasping his hand on Ushijima's shoulder. "You can't ask a girl out like that. You gotta be romantic!"

"Romantic?" Ushijima asked, looking to the red head.

Tendo nods his head, stepping away from Ushijima. Ushijima stands there in thought, his gaze lingering on you while you looked at him timidly. You still held onto Terushima's arm, clenching on his arm hard as he also observes Ushijima. You didn't think that Tendo would give advice like that.

Ushijima stands in front of you, towering over you and you tensed up. Ushijima gets down on one knee and grabs your hand, effortlessly taking it into his without any trouble since you were gripping onto Terushima. You felt your cheeks burn, embarrassed to be put in this situation as Ushijima is in front of you on one knee and holding your hand gently in his. You didn't think a cold, giant would be gently. It also seemed that Terushima didn't care if Ushijima was doing this either since it didn't seem like he was going to hurt you.

"Go on a date with me," Ushijima said, his tone gentle. You stared at him in shock, his gentle tone hitting you in your core as he almost sounded like a hurt child. "I promise to take care of you on this date and entertain you too."

"That's better," Tendo added.

"Yeah, but he can improve more," Semi voiced.

"You guys are just going to forget that he ordered you two to kidnap me!" You yelled, pulling your hand out of Ushijima's grasp. You scowled at him, clenching your hands into fists as you glared into his soul. "You threatened to cut a message into my skin too! Then you have the balls to take me on a date to see how I got Tooru's attention!"

Ushijima stays quiet, deciding not to speak up when you were yelling at him. Terushima stands next to you, an expression on his face that you couldn't quite read. Tendo and Semi stand there, Semi looking away when you mentioned that him and Tendo tried kidnapping you and Tendo smiles widely. You find the red head quite weird due to his behavior as you guess that Semi has somewhat of a guilty expression on his face.

"I don't know why Tooru is interested in me!" You yelled, feeling overwhelmed with everything. "All I know is that he asked me on a date and was actually interested in me!" You felt your eyes burn, tears swelling in them as your vision gets blurry. "You expect me to go on a date with you just like that with those two things you did to me!" You wiped your tears with your hands, letting out small hiccups. "It's been hell for me since I was kidnapped by that snake fucker and now I have to deal with your shit!"

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