Chapter Seven

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"Sorry, I was visiting my grandma in the hospital," you said, looking at the ground so you wouldn't have to look at Jack while you lie. "And these were her caretakers and friends of my family." You gestured to Hinata and Kageyama, the two men sitting at a booth near the window. "They just wanted to see the city is all."

"Understood, but it's nice to have you back, [Name]," Jack said, a smile on his face. "Tyler here was missing you the whole time."

"I was not!" Tyler shouted, coming out the kitchen.

You smiled, walking over to Tyler and patting his cheek. "Awe, I missed you too."

Tyler glared at you, moving away from your touch. "You aren't helping."

"Enough jokes, get ready to work," Jack ordered, you and Tyler nodding your heads.

The bell jingled and you went to the cash register while Tyler went into the kitchen. Your mind drifted to Taemin and your nephew, Evan. You ponder if they are okay, but Evan should be fine because he's with your sister. Taemin is a different story. Your dog is roaming the streets, looking for food or enjoying his freedom.

"You're back again."

You looked up to see a familiar face and a smile danced across your features. "Oikawa! Welcome back."

"Have you been sick?" The man asked, leaning against the counter as he stared at you.

You shook your head, deciding to talk with Oikawa since he's the only one left. "No, I was visiting my grandma in the hospital." He nods his head and you point over to where Hinata and Kageyama. "They were her caretakers and friends of the family."

Oikawa looks over his shoulder, seeing Hinata and Kageyama. You looked over at the two, seeing the two men glare harashly at Oikawa and you ponder why. Why are they glaring at him with such hate? What could Oikawa possibly done to them?

You tilted your head, tapping Oikawa's shoulder to get his attention. "Something the matter?"

Oikawa turns to you with a bright, closed eye smile. "I'm jealous they're lucky to hangout with a beautiful woman such as yourself." You blushed from Oikawa's comment and he leans away from the counter. "The milk Thai Tea."

"Coming up soon to your local theatre," you said, putting in Oikawa's order and the price.

Oikawa handed you money which you put into the cash register, but you noticed something that wasn't the currency he gave you. It's a white piece of paper and you looked up at him in confusion. You flipped the paper over since the side facing you blank and a heavy blush settles on your cheeks.

"We should get lunch or dinner together sometime," Oikawa whispered, giving you a confident smirk.

You handed Oikawa his chance back and he went outside. You couldn't stop staring at the piece of paper that has what you're assumig is Oikawa's number. It's been a while since you've been on a date and Oikawa doesn't seem that bad of a person too. Maybe you'll take his offer and enjoy yourself with him.


  "Boss has something for you," Hinata informed, you and your bodyguards stepping inside the mansion. "He didn't tell us what it is though."

"He seems to be in a better mood recently. I wonder why," Kageyama voiced, his hands tucked into his sweater pocket. "Did he see old friends?"

"I have no clue," you laughed nervously.

Ever since that night you had with Daichi, you remember very clearly by seeing him walk to the bar without his shirt on and you noticed the scratch marks on his back and the marks you left. You couldn't believe you did that, but the alcohol had taken over your mind and Daichi's as well. But ever since that night, he seems to be in a better mood and he doesn't seem as tired as he was.

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