Chapter Ten

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"What did you think of it?" You mumbled, your eyes feeling heavy. You let out a yawn as you pulled the blanket closer to you. You and Daichi are sitting on the couch, finished watching the Disney movie, Moana, because he said he's never seen the movie. Daichi didn't respond at first and you let out a chuckle, resting your head on his shoulder. "Which movie did you like the most?"

"Wall-E," Daichi answered, earning a gasp from you.

"That was honestly my favorite with the Lion King," you yawned, a smile appearing on your features.

Daichi laughs himself, gazing down at you. "I think you should get some rest, yeah?" You nodded your head and closed your eyes, but Daichi lightly shakes you. "Not out here. It gets cold in here sometimes." You groan lightly, not wanting to get up nor open your eyes. "If you don't, I'll carry you."

"I accept your challenged," you stated, feeling proud of yourself.

You felt Daichi shift and he gets up from his spot which causes you to fall onto the couch fully. You opened your eyes a little bit, scowling at the ceiling and you heard Taemin nearby. You turned your head to see Daichi's lower half and you trailed your eyes up to see the chilling smirk on his expression.

You moved like a centimeter and you're already off the couch and in Daichi's arm. You let out a shriek, quickly wrapping your arms around his neck just in case he might drop you. You feel wide away from the sudden rush of adrenaline and your eyes connect with Daichi's. A blush had blossom on your cheeks as you stare into Daichi's eyes and your nose close to his.

You felt as if you couldn't look away like his eyes are magnets and there's just some invisible force making you continue to stare into his eyes. You ponder if he could hear how fast your heart is beating or if his heart is beating as fast as yours? Oh would it be a miracle to read people's thoughts instead of all this complicated crap.

Daichi is the first to look away and you feel as if you can finally breathe. You looked down, not wanting Daichi to see or notice your blush, but you are positive that he'd seen your blush. That was intense in your opinion because the simply look in Daichi's eyes and you will probably see the same look in his eyes while you dream.





"Where the hell is this dog?"  You asked yourself, letting out a sigh.

You've been looking through the whole mansion for Taemin so you could simply give him a bath. Taemin knows it's that time of the month to get bathed and he purposely hides which sucks for you. If you were back at your apartment, he'd be under the kitchen table, but you're in a new environment and he has most likely a lot of places to hide. Even a few people you might know could possibly be playing with Taemin or taking him out for a walk.

"Is something wrong?"

You hear a voice behind you and you turned around. A man with a thin face, short eyebrows and slanted eyes stands before you. His hair is dark with his bangs to the left side and you noticed how neat his bangs look too. With the smile on his face, you took note of his tongue slightly sticking out. Snake.

"Yes, I'm looking for my dog," you answered,

"Wouldn't want you to get taken by a snake... Yes. They're quite sneaky and can be hiding anywhere, so watch your back."

Sugawara's words ring through your head as you gaze at the man. You take a small step back which you know that the man has probably noticed, but should you be cautious of this man? There is a gang that has a mascot of a snake, but you've forgotten the gang name, but surely this couldn't be what Sugawara means. Sugawara probably means a person like that term that's just a nickname for someone, but someone who actually resembles a snake a little bit.

"You could be a potential kidnapper for kids," the man chuckles, shaking his head.

Your face flushes in embarrassment. "N-Not like that!"

The man chuckles. "Hope you find your dog."

"Yeah, thanks for the help," you snapped, walking away from the man.

You thought you might actually get helped, but you didn't which made you upset. Like this is a huge mansion, you can't find your way at all! If only Hinata and Kageyama was here to help you, they could probably assist in helping you bathe Taemin. Daichi is busy with paperwork or you're assuming he is because you didn't see him leave his room at all. Besides, someone must have let Taemin out of the little living room Daichi has to himself and you.

"Taemin, you're not getting any treats if I can't find you in the next 10 minutes," you groaned, running a hand through your hair. "Seriously, where could you have possibly gone?"


You looked over your shoulder, seeing Nishinoya waving at you and walking towards you. You beamed at him in hopefulness as you met him halfway. You placed your hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Have you seen my dog? He really needs a bath right now and I know he's hiding."

"No"-your mood drops greatly-"but I can help you with finding him. I have time to spare," Nishinoya stated, making your mood skyrocket to the ceiling and perhaps space too. "I don't expect you to know your way around this place within a month or so. Where's Hinata and Kageyama?"

"I think on a mission," you sighed, dropping your arms from his shoulders. "I could really use their help now, but I'm glad you're here to help me."

Nishinoya puts his hands on his hips. "Where should we start?"

"The second floor. I already checked the first and I haven't seen him," you informed, Nishinoya nods his head and he takes out his walkie-talkie.

He holds it up to his mouth and presses a button. "If anyone sees a Great Dane in the house or in the backyard, please bring it to the main living room. Thanks." Nishinoya puts his device away and he gives you a wide smile. "Let's get started."


"Honestly, your dog must be good at hiding," Nishinoya sighed, falling back into the couch.

"It's something he's been doing since he's been a pupper," you stated, sitting on the couch.

It's been an hour since Nishinoya has joined you to look for Taemin and you honestly thought about giving up looking for him. You'd just let him skip out on taking a bath this month and you'll wait next month. No one has even found Taemin so you're guessing that he's in a place that no one goes to. Taemin... you annoyingly little hider.

"Well, I should probably head back to my room," you said, getting up from the couch.

Nishinoya stands up as well. "Okay. If I see Taemin, I'll let you know or give him to Boss."

You nodded your head and you walk into the direction of Daichi's quarters. Your shoulders are down and your eyes on the ground as you try to rack your brain to figure out exactly where could a dog hide in this giant mansion? What's an interesting spot that you've haven't tried searching? Could you possibly try and leave little treats on the floor for him to eat and lead to the bathroom?

You shake your head, dismissing the thought because Taemin is a smart dog. Really smart that he wouldn't fall for that little trick. His smell is strong so he would be able to sniff it out and just know something is up. You let out a sigh of defeat, perhaps you could see your nephew tomorrow to have him make it up to you or maybe spend time with your sister. You would like her to meet Hinata and Kageyama, but you would really want her to meet Daichi. You know you have to keep it a secret that you're with someone with ties to mafia, but you need someone to confide in.

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